Chapter 9: City of Chaos

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Heyo! Here is chapter 9. Hope you enjoy.

Kreek's POV

Zara: There it is! The safe place!

Parker: They will be pretty suprised that we found more survivors.

Devoun: Why is there fire here?!

Zara: I don't really know. We should find something to put out the fire.

I look at the two building next to the safe place.

Kreek: Maybe in these buildings.

Parker: I'll watch out for any infected around here.

Lego: I'm gonna help Parker.

I went in one of the buildings with Devoun.

Devoun: There should be a fire extinguisher here.

We started to hear footsteps getting louder and louder. Behind us, we saw an elephant holding a fire extinguisher. It tried to hit us in the head, but i kicked it. I punched it in the face a few times but i caught my fist and threw me back. It got closer to me and i couldn't move. I closed my eyes but then heard a repulsor. I opened my eyes to see Lego.


I touched the back of my head to see blood.

Lego: Come on, we'll get in the safe place in a bit.

Devoun came back and took the fire extinguisher from the elephant. I got up and we walked out of the building. I used my hammer and wrench, Devoun put out the fire and Zara inserted the code. We walked to the  safe place.

Zara: May i ask a question?

Devoun: Sure.

Zara: What were you guys doing before all of this?

We stopped infront of the safe place.

Lego: Well, we were police officers and me and Kreek were looking for a missing kid. What about you two?

Parker: I was trying to become a computer programer.

Zara: And i practicing martial arts. I even taught my little sisters how to defend themselves. I'm very relieved to know that they are still safe.

Parker: Also, why were you guys at the carnival? I heard you were looking for Mr Percy.

Kreek: We suspect that Mr Percy started this whole thing by giving people a potion that turned them into those things.

Zara: You should stay here for a bit. We can help you find him.

There were some movement infront of the gate that made some noise and caught all of our attention.

Parker: What was that?

Lego: Looks like someone was watching us.

Zara: We should check on what that was. Could be another survivor.

Devoun: Kreek, i think you should stay here. I'll also stay here to help with the bleeding.

Kreek: Fine.

Lego: Me and Zara will check on it.

Parker: Alright, we'll see you both in a bit.

Zara and Lego went to where ever the noise was and me ,Devoun, and Parker went in the safe place.

Writer's Note
Hey there. Hopefully you liked it. I was originally going to put chapter 10 in this because i didn't have many ideas for this. But since the ending had alot of text, i'm gonna cut it here. Thanks for reading. Bye.
Word Count: 516 Words.

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