Chapter 13: Blast from The Past

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Hello. Welcome to Book 2. Hope you enjoy this.

Lego's POV

We walked up to a metal door that needed a 3 digit code.

Daniel: Alright Lego. We are this close to finding these criminals.

Daniel turned his gaze to the door.

Daniel: We just need to find a way to get through this door. Looks like we need some sort of 3 digit code.

Daniel: Maybe we need to search in one of the other buildings for the code.

Lego: Or i can just use my repulsor to break the door down?

Daniel: ... Well, i guess that's another way to do it.

I blasted the door down with my repulsor and saw Winona standing infront of us. She got shocked and jumped over the caution tapes, however slipped on the puddle and hit her head on the celling.

Daniel: ... For the first time in 3 years as a police officer, i've never seen a criminal fail this horribly.

She got up and jumped through the vent.

Lego: Oh, there she goes.

Daniel: Well, looks like we're going to chase her down.

I cut the tapes with my swords and we walked over the puddle. We were met with a locked door.

Daniel: So, i assume you're going to use your repulsor again?

Lego: Actually, this time  i'm going to use my foot to kick the door down.

Daniel: W- Wha- Nevermind. I'm not gonna agrue with you on this one, just do your thing.

Lego: Okay.

I kicked the door down and Winona shot me in the helmet with her gun.

Lego: If i didn't have an Iron Man suit at this point, i would have died right here.

Daniel: Well, i'm glad you do.

Daniel: Winona, you are under arrest for stealing food and other supplies from all over the City. And for assaulting a detective.

Winona: I didn't mean to do that and i was only stealing to feed my family!

Daniel: But that still counts as assault-

Daniel looks over at me charging my repulsor, and about to shoot it at her.

Lego: It's time for a little bit of payback!

Daniel: Lego, i don't think this is necessary!

Lego: She literally shot me in the head!

Daniel: I know! But, this could actually kill her!

I sighed before replying.

Lego: Okay, fine.

I lowered my arm and calmed down.

Lego: You know the laws, Winona. I'm sorr-

Daniel: You know the rules, and so do i.

Lego: Wait, why are you singing?

Daniel: Say goodbye.

Daniel tazed her.

Daniel: Well, i think our work here is done!

Lego: Okay, that's good. But, wasn't singing even necessary?

Daniel: Wasn't charging up your repulsor, ready to kill her necessary?

Lego: I- No.

Daniel: Exactly, now we're even.

I looked behind us and saw Ryan (this AU's Rash) walking towards us.

Lego: Oh, here comes Ryan. Let's do it.

Daniel: Okay.

I charged up my repulsor and Daniel tazed the energy ball(?) before i blasted it at him.

Back to the present

Still Lego's POV

It had been almost a year since we stopped Mr. Percy. Me and Factual were talking to eachother, until Paxton teleported in the room with the so called, Teleporter Trap. Paxton looked out of breath.

Paxton: Hey.

Lego: What happend?

Paxton: So, i was playing tag with Zoe and Zia and couldn't keep up with them so i used my teleporter trap to teleport right infront of them. And now i think i've scared them to the point where Zoe is now on the ground, curled up, and crying because they have never seen anything like it.

Factual faceplamed himself.

Factual: Welp, you've did it again. We're gonna have to go help her.

Lego: Then, let's go.

We all exited the room.

!!!: Th15 15n't 0v3r.

Writer's Note
Hello. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't know what else to say. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day or night. Bye.
Word Count: 661 Words.

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