Chapter 2: The Station

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Hello, this is chapter 2. Hopefully you will like this.
At the Station

Kreek's POV

We ran in the Auxiliu Station.

Lego: Hello? Is anyone there?

Suddenly, we heard Daniel (Doggy) say something through the intercom.

Daniel: Attention! There is a monster in the station! Meet me at the garage immediately!

Kreek: A monster?

A familiar adult pig came up to us.

Lego: Wait, Officer Piper (Mother pig)?

She said nothing, then attempts to taze us. Fortunately, we managed to dodge her attacks and ran into another room. Then, Devoun was able to find us.

Devoun: Kreek? PghLFilms? What are you doing here?!

Lego: It's a long story.. That we'll explain later. Also, just call me Lego.

Devoun: Alright. I'll take you to the garage door.

Devoun takes Lego and Kreek to the garage door. (Also, the door is a metal door)

Kreek: Have you found the key?

Devoun: Well, not yet.

Lego: I'll try my repulsor.

Lego shots his repulsor at the door and it blasted the door open.

Daniel: Hey! I need some gas, do you mind finding some? I'm pretty sure there is a gas tank in here.

Lego: I'll go find it

Lego flew away to find the gas tank.

Lego's POV

Lego 💭: Where would a gas tank even be?

As i was flying i saw Officer Piper chasing after me. I managed to knock her back with my repulsor. After a bit of flying, i found the gas tank. I took off my helmet to breathe. Officer Piper was right  behind me and was about to attack me, until Kreek shot her in the back of the head. As soon as i heard that i quickly put my helmet back on.

Kreek: Lego? Are you okay?

Lego: Yeah, i got the gas tank.

Kreek: Great! We better get back to Daniel and Devoun.

Lego: Sounds good.

Lego and Kreek ran back to the garage.

Devoun's POV

Me and Daniel heard Kreek and Lego running back to the garage with the gas tank.

Devoun: You're back!

Daniel: And you found the gas tank! Now get in!

Kreek, Lego and I get in the car and started driving.

On Asrel Road
(Still Devoun' POV)

Kreek: And yeah, that's what happened.

Lego: I wonder what happened to Officer Piper while we were gone.

Devoun: Well, i saw her head kind of twitching and when i tried to talk to her and she attempted to attack me. I think she and her family went to test for the cure for Mr Percy (Mr. P)'s  wife.

Lego: That means there might be something wrong with the cure. But, i'm not sure.

Daniel: Hey, Lego?

Lego: Yeah?

Daniel: How much was in that tank?

Lego: There wasn't that much. Why do you ask?

Daniel: Well, we might running out of gas again..

Kreek: We can go to the gallery then find a another way out!

Devoun: Let's hope this idea works.

Writer's Note

Hello readers. This was chapter 2 of The Virus series.
While trying to find what Doggy said in the beginning of chapter 2 in Piggy (because i forgot) i found this:

While trying to find what Doggy said in the beginning of chapter 2 in Piggy (because i forgot) i found this:

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What the fric-Anyways thanks for reading this far! Bye!

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What the fric-
Anyways thanks for reading this far! Bye!

Word Count: 537 Words.

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