Chapter 15: Too Late

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Sorry for absolutely no updates. I'm a bit busy with my RB Battles book. Anyways, enjoy.

3rd Person

Kreek: So, this is where they took Zara, correct?

Devoun: I guess so.

Parker: How odd, i don't recognize this place at all..

Lego: Uh.. Parker? Are you okay?

Parker: Oh, yeah. Sorry 'bout that. Let's go.

They headed to the refinery. A metal fence was in the way, but Lego used his suit to get him and his friends in and Kreek unlocked the green lock.

Devoun: Should we split up? This looks pretty large.

Parker: Sure-

Panela (Pandy): Get them!

They saw the Grey Claws (except Theo (Tigry) and Winona) runnibg towards them with their weapons. Paxton suddenly appears in front of them.

Panela: W- Where did you-

Paxton: Don't ask questions.

Paxton knocked out all of Willow's goons and teleported Devoun, Kreek, Lego, and Parker upstairs.

Parker: What is that?

Parker points at the Teleporter Trap.

Paxton: I'll tell you later.

Lego: Let's just find Zara.

Parker's POV

After walking through the place for a little while, we found Zara, she was a in a pretty small room. Lego used his repulsor to get in. (The door hit the infected)

Zara: You guys! It's nice to see you again! You won't believe how strong this one infected is.

Parker: Zara! I'm so relieved to know that you're okay!

Kreek: This is nice and all, but they aren't going to be knocked out forever.

Parker: You're right, come on Zara!

Zara: Hang on, i think i may have pulled a muscle.

Zara notices a scratch on her left arm. My eyes were practically bloodshot.

Zara: Oh..

Parker: Th- That's not from the infected, right? Please tell me it isn't.

Zara: I... You all need to leave, now.

Parker: We aren't going without you. W- We can find the cure!

Zara: If there was a cure, we would be in this situation, Parker. You don't want to see me turn into one of them. So please, go.. I'll create a distraction, so you can get out.

Devoun: Zara..

I pulled Zara into one last hug. Tears were flowing.

Kreek: Take care, Zara.

Zara: Good luck to you, and  everyone in the safe place. It was great seeing you, for the last time..

Paxton teleported all of us back to the safe place.

Mindy: What happened? And where is Zara?

Lego: I'll explain.

Writer's Note
I accidentally published before i was finished-
Anyways, thanks for reading. Enjoy the rest of your day or night. Bye.
Word Count: 428 Words.

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