Chapter 3: The Gallery

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Hello, this is chapter 3. Motivation hit and i decided to make this. Enjoy!
Lego's POV

Kreek: Alright, on 3 we will kick doors open and run inside the gallery. 1... 2... 3!

Me and Kreek kicked the car doors open and we all ran in. Before i ran in, i blasted my repulsor one of the monsters that was close to us. When we got in, i blocked the front door.

Lego: You guys go search this place. I'll guard the door.

Daniel: I'll stay with Lego.

Kreek: Alright then.

Kreek and Devoun went to find another way out while i and Daniel guard the door.

Kreek's POV

Devoun and i went to find another way out. While we were exploring, we both saw a monster, it looked like it managed to get in. We both ran the other way and i went to Lego and Daniel and i was out of breath.

Lego: Kreek, what's wrong?

Kreek: There is a monster.

Daniel: How did it even get in?!

Kreek: I don't know..

Daniel: I have a gun but i need ammo, try finding some. If there is any..

Kreek walks off and Lego looks at Daniel.

Lego's POV

Daniel: Lego, i think you should help them.

Lego: Alright, just guard the door.

Daniel: Got it!

I ran to where Kreek walked off.

Lego: Kreek!

Kreek: Lego? I thought you were guarding the door.

Lego: Daniel told me to help you guys. Also, where is Devoun?

Devoun runs in, being chased by another pig monster (Father Pig).

Kreek: Devoun!

Kreek and i ran towards where Devoun went. I blast my repulsor at the thing, knocking it back and stunning it for a brief moment. While running, Kreek found some ammo and went to Daniel while i find Devoun. Eventually, I found Devoun by the missing poster of Paxton. When we tried to figure out how to get out without using my repulsor, i saw a puzzle that has 2 empty cases and 1 of them has a Imperial Tsarevich or Tsesarevich egg.

Devoun: Didn't there used to be the Fabergé eggs there?

Lego: Yeah. So that means, maybe we need to put the other eggs here to get the white key.

Devoun: I saw a red egg in the garage.

Lego: I'll tell Kreek.

We spilt up, Devoun was trying to find these eggs and i was going to tell Kreek. Kreek was next to the back door with a wrench and a hammer in his hands.

Lego: Hey Kreek, there is a puzzle where we need to find the Green Enamel Coronation Egg for the last key.

Kreek: Alright, i'll keep an eye out.

Lego 💭: I don't think he took anything here. So, where did he even get the tools?

Lego: Did you take the tools from the station?

Kreek: Maybe...

Lego: ..Forget it.

I walked around the gallery to find the last egg. After a bit of walking, i found the last egg on the third floor. I rushed to put it in the case and once i did,  the glass that was covering the white key broke and the white key fell on the floor. I picked it up and unlocked the back door. Everyone went outside and i immediately locked the door back so the monster couldn't get out.

(Still Lego's POV)

Kreek: They just don't stop coming after us, do they?

Daniel: I don't get it. But, it's nothing we can't handle. After all, remember when we made that arrest in the alleys before all of this, Lego?

Lego : Yeah, but we weren't arresting these things! They don't want anything except all of us dead!

Daniel walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Daniel: Listen, You're a good person. Even in desperate times, you still held on your morality. It's the people like you that succeed. As long as you stay who you are, you'll get to where you need to be.

Lego: You're right. I shouldn't let this whole situation lose sight on who  i am. Sorry i got over myself..

Daniel: It's alright. Now, let's find a safe place so we can have time to think of what to do.

Devoun: Sounds like a plan.

We all walk to the end of the alley and walked to the forest.

Writer's Note
Hello, this is the end of chapter 3. Hope you enjoyed it. Also, about the Fabergé Eggs. That was a fact i found on a piggy fandom wiki while i was searching the location of the green egg. Here is an image i took of it:

(I hope the image doesn't disappear like in my random book)Thanks for reading this far

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(I hope the image doesn't disappear like in my random book)
Thanks for reading this far. And bye!

Word Count: 793 Words.

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