chapter 3

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Kie's POV:

JJ and I went back to the chateau and I decided it would be best if I spent the night there again. We told the pogues about how things went with my parents. Pope was gone now, thankfully. I don't know why he had so many opinions about a baby that wasn't even his.

Once again, JJ gave me the spare room, and the next morning, I woke up to missed texts from my mom. Apparently, she wanted me home last night. I got up and went home and she was waiting for me.

"Where were you? I was worried about you all night. Are you okay?" She asked

"I was at John B's with my friends because you were pretty pissed last night and I didn't want to come home and get yelled at again"

"I know, yesterday was a lot. I had a lot of time to think and I made you a doctor's appointment for tomorrow at 9 am"

"Thank you, mom" I said as I really appreciated her caring

"You're welcome, baby. Have you decided what you are going to do about college?"

"Yeah, I already talked to Sarah. I'm going to enroll in the community college here and just get my generals done and I will figure it out as I go" I said realizing how hard this was all going to be with a baby

"Does that mean you're going to want to stay here?" My mom asked

"If you and dad are okay with it, I would really appreciate it. Just until the baby is born and I figure things out"

"Of course, stay as long as you two need" My mom said smiling at my belly

This was such a weird conversation. I was expecting her to still be pissed at me. I texted JJ and told him about the appointment and asked him if he would come with me. He said he wouldn't miss it and the next morning, he rang the doorbell and picked me up for the appt.

"Good morning!" He said smiling

"Good morning, you're never this happy"

"I'm happy we get to meet our baby for the first time. I know I came here to pick you up, but you aren't allowed on my bike ever again. So, we'll take your car but I'll drive" JJ said firmly

"Why can't I go on your bike anymore?" I asked as I loved being on his bike and feeling the wind in my hair

"You're pregnant and when you aren't pregnant, you'll be a mom to our baby and I can't ever risk letting our little one lose their mom" He said

Okay, so that was super sweet. We talked the whole way to the appointment and part of it was excitement and the other half was nerves. We arrived and got all checked in. The nurse came back and did all my vitals and asked a bunch of questions.

Then we met with the doctor and did the ultrasound. We saw our little tiny baby on the screen. It was barely a baby, but a baby was there. I was about six weeks along. I cried and JJ grabbed my hand and said, "That's our baby"

We got copies of the ultrasound and after, we went out for breakfast. We couldn't stop talking about the baby. It was addicting. The more we talked about the baby, the more excited I became.

JJ and I went to the Wreck next and saw my parents working. My mom came over to us and asked how it went and JJ was the one to tell her. He sounded so excited, it was adorable. He showed my mom the picture of the ultrasound. We were in the back office so none of the customers would know in case there were locals around.

"Did you guys eat?" My mom asked

"Yeah, I took Kie out for breakfast"

"Next time, come here anytime. It's on the house" My mom said smiling as she got back to work

JJ and I went to the chateau and he showed off the ultrasound picture and educated all the pogues on how the appointment went. We all went out on the HMS pogue and I was in a red bikini and Sarah and I were taking pictures. I wasn't showing at all.

Sarah then forced JJ into taking pictures with me. JJ was adorable and got down on his knees and kissed my flat stomach and Sarah snapped a ton of pictures.

"There's no bump" I said laughing

"But our baby is still in there and it would be cute to do this picture every week to show the bump growth" JJ exclaimed

"Okay, why are you already such a good dad" Sarah said happily

JJ just laughed and said, "No idea, clearly it's not in my DNA"

We all got into the water and swam to cool off. John B then took over driving and we were cruising around the marsh when I moved and leaned over the side of the boat and threw up. John B slowed down and came to a stop and JJ rushed over to me.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked grabbing my hair and holding it back

"Yeah, just a little morning sickness mixed with motion sickness" I said still feeling super nauseated

JJ sat down and he pulled me into his arms so my back was against his chest and he held onto me as John B slowly drove back to the chateau.

"You can just drop us off at the main dock on figure eight. You guys can stay out on the water" JJ spoke up

"Are you sure? We can all go back to the chateau" John B suggested

"Nahh, Kie's just gonna sleep and relax for the rest of the day. I can take care of her, you guys go have fun" JJ replied

John B pulled off on the dock and JJ got out first and helped after that. Sarah told me to feel better and they went back out on the water.

"I'm sorry that I ruined your day" I said as we slowly walked to my house

"You didn't ruin my day. I would much rather be with you in bed watching a movie than out on the water. I'm sorry that I got you pregnant" He chuckeled as we arrived at my house

My parents weren't home as they were still working at the Wreck. I went to my room and grabbed a pair of joggers and a comfy shirt and changed into that. JJ had his famous backpack with a change of clothes and he changed too.

He got me into my bed and he grabbed my laptop and we found a movie to watch. We both sat in my bed and I was feeling better, still super nauseated. We watched another movie and then my dad baraged into my room. He looked at JJ and at me.

"Kiara, no boys allowed over when your mother and I aren't here, especially with the door shut" He yelled

"Why? What's JJ going to do? Get me pregnant" I joked and he didn't find the joke funny

"JJ, it's time for you to leave" My dad said stern

"Yes, sir" JJ said pausing the movie and moving my laptop

"Dad, I've been throwing up all day. He's been the one taking care of me and helping me. He has done nothing wrong so stop treating him like that" I yelled back at my dad

"Enough, Kiara!" He shouted at me and JJ was already heading home as I heard his bike leaving

My dad slammed the door and I broke down crying. I got ready for bed even though it was only 6 pm. I laid in bed and cried thinking about this pregnancy and how I could afford to move out because I hated living here.

I was going to miss my whole college experience. JJ was going to leave on his surf trip. Sarah and John B were going on their Califonia adventure. Pope was going to Harvard. I was going to be pregnant and alone.

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