chapter 29

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Kie's POV:

"What were you thinking? You can't just hit my fiancé like that" JJ yelled at me

He stopped and the door opened and Sarah was there.

"Hey, I'm just going to take Sophia back home"

I gave Sarah my keys and JJ and I calmly both hugged our daughter. Sarah left and it was the right thing to do, get our daughter out of this situation. As soon as Sarah pulled away in my car, the fighting continued.

"You're going to let our daughter call Taylor mommy?"

"No, but if that's what happens I guess we'll deal with it. She's going to soon be her legal step-mom"

"Was Taylor the one who gave birth to her? NO! Is Taylor the one raising her? NO! Therefore she has no parental rights and our daughter will not call anyone else mommy except for me. You know because I'm her actual mom. Remember the one who you fucked and got pregnant" I screamed back at JJ

"How could I forget?"

We haven't fought like this in years. I don't know if we've ever screamed at each other this much before. I was so pissed at JJ. Suddenly, a car pulled up and Jack got out of the car.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, can we go?" I asked kissing him

He kissed me back and I practically shoved my tongue down his throat.

"Wow, Kie just going to walk away from this fight?"

"There shouldn't even be a fight between you and me" I said looking at him with tears in my eyes

"Come on, Kie... I'll bring you to my place and we can have a nice night without this jackass"

I left with Jack and we went to his new house that he just bought on Figure Eight. It was a gorgeous house. He gave me a mini house tour and we ended back in his basement in the home bar. We had a few drinks and I was drunk. I knew I would probably regret this in the morning but right now I didn't care. I was making out with Jack and that started to lead to other things.

He carried me upstairs to his bedroom where we had sex. I haven't slept with anyone since JJ after my high school graduation. I'm going to be honest, it wasn't the best night. I was drunk and not that focused on what Jack was doing.

I lost my train of thought because I kept thinking about the fight with JJ. Which wasn't a good thing because I accidentally moaned, "Oh J.Jack"

I was so lucky that I was able to correct that because that would have been super embarrassing. I don't remember much but I woke up super early and put on my dress and heels and was about to do the most embarrassing walk of shame home through Figure Eight.

I walked outside immediately noticed JJ's truck parked outside of Jack's house. I pretended like I didn't notice until he rolled the window down and said, "Kie"

I kept walking and he slowly drove next to me.

"It's freezing out. Just let me give you a ride home"

I gave in and got in the front seat of his truck and he said, "Nice walk of shame"

I turned to get back out but he said, "I was kidding and I'm sorry about last night"

"Did you stay out here all night?"

"Yeah, I followed Jack here just to make sure you were okay"

I don't know if that was sweet or creepy. I didn't say anything and neither did JJ. He drove to my favorite coffee shop and he ran inside quick and came back out with a coffee and a cake pop for me.

"So you and Jack, huh?"

"I'm not talking about this with you" I said totally embarrassed

He took off his jacket and gave it to me to put over my dress. He parked outside my parent's house and he looked at me and said, "Kie, we need to talk about last night"

"There is nothing to talk about JJ"

"Yes, there is. I was wrong for getting mad at you and for not supporting you. I'm not making excuses but sometimes it's hard for me to pick a side because I'm literally deciding between my fiancé and the mother of my child. Either way, I'm the bad person and I hate when people are pissed at me. But I was so fucking wrong for what I did last night. I promise you that Soph will never call anyone else but you her mom. I already talked to Taylor and she apologized and said she wouldn't ever bring it up again. If she does, I swear I'll it with her because I'm not going to lose you and Soph to her"

"Thank you, JJ and I'd never ask you to ruin your marriage. I just don't want Sophia thinking Taylor is her mom"

"And yes, I do remember it all to answer you from last night. I remember making our baby, the whole pregnancy, watching you give birth, and every moment since she was placed in your arms. She's our baby girl and I'm so sorry for last night"

"Me too... I lost control and hit your fiancé"

"I'm in no place to judge you. You've seen me lose my cool way too many times. And you're always there to clean me up and make sure I'm okay after my fights so now it's my turn to be there for you"

"Thank you and I'm sorry for slapping Taylor. I'll apologize the next time I see her. Now is there any possible way that you can help me sneak in so my parent's or our daughter don't see me like this?"

"Like what? You look beautiful" He said joking but serious at the same time

I looked like a hot mess right now. He suddenly blurted out of nowhere and asked, "Do you need me to get you plan B?"

"I have an IUD and we used protection"

"Okay good" He said sounding like a concerned parent about his teenage daughter

"Mr. concerned" I teased

"I just don't want you to end up in another situation like your first pregnancy"

"I appreciate you looking out for my uterus" I said which made JJ laugh

He snuck me back inside and we weren't too successful because my mom was sitting on the couch.

"Wow, so you two finally did it?" She asked

JJ and I both froze. Our faces turned red. This was so awkward.

"No, we didn't... Mom, he's engaged and I just started seeing someone" I said telling her the truth

"Oh, I'm sorry... Kiara, be careful with whatever you're doing. I don't want you to get hurt"

"I won't, mom" I said going up to my room to take a shower and die from total humiliation

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