chapter 30

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Kie's POV:

Jack and I have gone on a few more dates since that night. He was actually a pretty decent guy. JJ wanted to go on a double date so he could officially meet him properly. Sounded strange but I went with it.

Taylor and I had already talked and all was forgiven. Don't worry, I still don't love her but I tolerate her. JJ planned the date and we were going out to a bar and it was New Year's Eve.

I was in a super slutty dress with the most uncomfortable heels. I looked fucking hot. My parent's were having a party with their friends at their house so Pope was watching Sophia at JJ's house. He volunteered to do it as he had a bunch of studying to do for the MCAT. A huge test he needs to do well on to get into medical school.

We were at this epic party and we were all hanging out and having a few drinks. JJ and Jack seemed to be getting along. JJ was drilling him with questions.

"So what are your plans for the future?"

"Well, I'm a lawyer and I just bought a house on Figure Eight. I'm in the process of opening up my own law firm. I've just been searching for a wonderful woman like Kiara to marry and have lots of kids with to fill up my empty house"

Jack looked at me and he kissed me and I was blushing. He really was the dream guy.

"What about you?" Jack asked JJ and it caught him off guard

"Well, I'm busy right now planning my wedding to my beautiful bride and after that I'm not quite sure. I'm not a big planner"

Clearly. JJ never planned anything. He was more of a go with flow and see what happens kind of guy. We continued talking and Jack asked, "I know this is early, but when can I meet Sophia?"

"Not for a while, they made me wait forever to meet her" Taylor jumped in

"When the time is right"

"How about at your graduation?"

"You can meet her but just as a friend. I don't want you talking to her" I said setting strict rules

"Damn momma bear"

"Hey, we don't want to rush things and hurt our daughter. If you have a problem with the rules, talk to me. Don't blame Kie" JJ said and I appreciated him taking the blame for the strictness of this

We all went out on the dance floor and were dancing. Jack was super handsy and his heads were all over my body. My stomach started to turn and I tried to ignore it. But the feeling came back stronger. I quickly rushed to the neared trash can. Barely making it, I began puking my guts out.

People in the club all looked at me and I was humiliated. I walked back over to the group and JJ was the first to say, "Come on, I'll take you home"

John B and Sarah were also here. Jack said, "I can bring her back to my place"

"No, it's fine.. I'm taking her home" JJ said

I felt so disgusting. This dress was super tight. My stomach was still making strange noises. I think I had puke in my hair. JJ looked at Jack and asked, "What was the last drink your ordered her?"

"Are you accusing me of drugging her?" He asked

"No, did her last drink have anything cherry in it?" JJ asked

"Yeah, cherry vodka" Jack said innocently

"She gets super sick when she has anything cherry flavored" JJ said grabbing my small purse and getting ready to leave

Taylor kissed him quick and then he walked me out of the bar and to an Uber. JJ sat back and I sat there trying not to vomit all over the back of this guys car, JJ noticed and he let me rest my head on his shoulder.

"I have puke in my hair. You don't want me anywhere near you"

"In case you've missed it, Kie, nothing about you grosses me out"

We made it back to his house and I ran inside and threw up again. Pope had Sophia in bed already and he was just chilling.

"Dude, is she okay?" Pope asked concerned

"Yeah, Jack gave her cherry vodka"


"Ever since she had Soph, anything cherry flavored makes her super sick"

"Let me stay and take care of her. You go back to the party with your fiancé" Pope said trying to be helpful

"No, it's really okay. I need to stay here and take care of Kie" JJ said going into the bathroom where I was leaning over the toilet

He gathered my hair and put it into a not so good low ponytail to hold it back while he unzipped my dress. I could breathe again. He started the bath tub water and put my favorite bath salts in.

He carefully removed my heels and all my jewelry. My dress was now sliding down a bit so I stood up and he pulled it off of me. I didn't have a bra on as it was built into the dress. JJ wasn't expecting to be looking right at my tits. I removed my underwear and got into the bath.

I laid back and said, "This is the most humiliating thing that's ever happened to me and that's saying a lot"

"It's natural to get sick. Don't be humiliated" He said using one of Sophia's bath cups and getting my hair wet to get the crusty puke out

"Guys, it's almost midnight!" Pope said from the other side of the door

"You should go back to the the party" I said feeling guilty he would probably miss his kiss with Taylor going into the New Year

"Nahh, I'm right where I need to be" He said as Pope started the countdown from ten

When Pope said one, JJ leaned over and kissed my forehead and he said, "Happy New Year, Kie"

"Happy New Year, J" I said back

He let me sit here for a few more minutes while he changes out of his fancy clothes. He came back in sweats and a t-shirt and he had clothes and a towel for me.

He drained the water and he turned the shower hose on. He ran it over my head and began washing my hair for me. Once he was done, he shut the water off and handed me my towel and some of his clothes. I changed and then he dried my hair for me because he knew I hated sleeping with wet hair.

He brought me over to his bed and gave me peppermint tea to help with my nausea. I've never felt more taken care of and relaxed in my whole life. I fell asleep almost instantly as JJ lightly tubbed my back.

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