chapter 28

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Kie's POV:

The next day, Sarah brought me flowers and apologized over and over again for the whole Ben thing. She felt so guilty that she set me up on another stupid date. She promised this one would be better.

Christmas was in a few days and I had no interest in going on another date. But Sarah insisted and apparently Pope and John B thought it would be good for me. So I guess it was happening.

JJ was the one to say, "Guys, last night was hard on her. I don't think Kie going on a date right now is a good idea"

"Thank you" I said and then I wondered why he didn't want me to go on another date

I tried to push the date off but apparently Sarah already had everything set up. Sarah and Taylor helped me get ready. It was strange having Taylor in my room as a friend but I guess she was part of the group now.

"Oh, you're so wearing this" She said grabbing the red dress JJ picked out for my graduation

"I can't wear that... It's for another event"

They found some old black dress and I tried it on and they claimed it was perfect. Sophia came in and said, "Pretty mommy"

They helped me do my hair and makeup and then I went downstairs where the boys were waiting. JJ was in charge of our daughter and I left to meet this guy at the chateau. I didn't want him coming here with Soph around.

His name was Jack and he was a kook. He was already so much better than Ben. We just went out for dinner and then he dropped me back at the chateau. Sarah was there waiting to hear all about it.

I told her it was fine and she wanted more details. She asked, "Would you see him again?"

"Yes" I admitted

"Perfect! I'll set it all up and I promise no truth or dare"

Sarah brought me home and Soph was with JJ tonight so I went right to bed. The next morning, Jack was here to pick me up for our second date. Things were going really well between us. Tomorrow night was Christmas Eve and we made plans for after Christmas.

JJ and Taylor were over with my family for Christmas Eve. Taylor was pretty pissed at JJ because he wanted to stay here for Christmas Eve and day. When she wanted to see her family one of those days. He told her that he couldn't miss Christmas with his daughter.

JJ and Taylor were staying in the guest room tonight. Taylor was in bed.  JJ and I read Sophia 'The Night Before Christmas' and got Santa his cookies and milk.

"Mommy, I have sequet" Sophia said telling me she has a secret

"Oh yeah, what is it?" I asked wanting her to tell me

"Christmas list"

"What do you want for Christmas?"

"Baby sistowr" She said wanting a baby sister

I looked at her and said, "I wish Santa could bring you a baby sister but I think the best he can do is a baby doll"

"No, I want mommy to have baby" She said

"Mommy can't have anymore babies" I said

"Why not?"

"Because mommy needs a daddy to have babies with"

"You have daddy" Sophia said like I was silly for forgetting him

JJ was laughing now and so was I. We hugged and kissed our daughter goodnight and told her to come wake me up in the morning. We left her room and as soon as the door shut JJ whispered in my ear, "I think our daughters wish was for us to have sex"

I laughed and I couldn't help it. He put his hand over my mouth so I didn't disturb Sophia and so Taylor didn't hear. I looked at him and said, "We need to talk about that later"

"Yeah... But right now we have some cookies to eat and stockings to fill"

JJ and I were in the kitchen when Taylor came down. She looked at JJ and said, "I love you, JJ but I need to be with my family on Christmas Day. My sister is getting engaged and I can't miss that. I know you have to stay here. I love you"

"I love you too, text me so I know you made it to your parents safe"

"I will" She said kissing him goodbye

JJ and I ate the cookies, put the presents under the tree, filled the stockings and then we went to bed. Christmas morning what chaotic as it should be with a little kid. Soph was opening presents and throwing wrapping paper everywhere.

She loved all her presents and wanted to play with them all right away. My dad and JJ were busy putting toys together for Sophia. It was the best Christmas morning. That night, we went to the Chateau and we had a nice dinner. Sophia came with and Taylor was back from her parents house.

After dinner, Sophia was playing with a toy she brought over and the ones that Pope, John B, and Sarah gave to her.

"Did you get everything you asked Santa for?" Sarah asked Sophia

Sarah was sitting on the floor next to her and had been playing with her.

"Yeah! But no baby"

"Baby?" Sarah repeated

"Yeah, I was baby sistwor" Sophia said telling everyone about the sister she wanted

"I'm sorry, Soph but Santa can't bring you a baby"

"Trust me, I asked Santa for a brother for years and he never brought me one" Pope said

"Well Santa can't bring you and baby sister but your daddy and I can try" Taylor said and I never wanted to punch her so badly

I gave her a look and then I gave JJ a look.

"But mommy has to have baby with daddy" Sophia said

"But I'm marrying your daddy so doesn't that make me kind of like your other mommy?" Taylor asked

I turned and I clenched my fist and I would have  punched her if Sophia wouldn't have been sitting right there watching. I looked at Sophia and said, "Taylor isn't your mommy and she will never be your mommy"

Sarah took Sophia outside to play in the snow and once they were outside everyone was silent. I didn't know hold back. I turned and I slapped Taylor across the face.

"Fuck you! She is my daughter and I don't want you around her. You will never be her mom. I don't care if you're marrying JJ, that doesn't make you her mom" I screamed

Taylor started crying and JJ said, "I love you, Tay but I'm with Kie on this one. That wasn't cool telling my two year old daughter that your her mommy"

"Okay, I'm sorry... It just slipped out" Taylor said

"It's okay, just don't let it happen again" JJ said getting up 

JJ walked over to me and he said, "Outside"

We walked outside and Sarah brought Sophia back inside. JJ was quiet and I could tell he was mad at me. This was going to be interesting.

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