chapter 13

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Kie's POV:

The next morning, JJ brought Sophia came home and she came running to hug me. I picked her up and hugged her.

"Did you have fun with daddy?"

"Yes" She smiled

JJ informed me they already ate breakfast. He was also sounding like he was getting a cold. I offered to make him a smoothie and he happily accepted.

I went to the freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen breast milk that I had. It was from when I had a cold. I put it in the smoothie along with some other fruits and vegetables. I handed JJ the glass and he thanked me. I even put a little in a sippy cup for Sophia.

JJ left with the drink as he had to work and I cleaned up. Sophia played and then I played with her working on shapes and colors. The night, JJ came over after work and he said, "Damn, whatever you put in that smoothie I feel amazing and I felt like shit this morning"

I just smirked at him and said, "I added some magical stuff"

JJ gave me a look and I said, "Not weed you idiot. I put some leftover breast milk from a cold I had"

JJ make a disgusted face and said, "Nasty as hell"

"It was just in the freezer. It's fine, Sophia had some too and so did I. You can't taste it in the smoothie"

"I've tried it and it's honestly not bad. Tastes kinda sweet and like vanilla"

"When did you try it?" I asked

"When you had mastitis"

"Don't remind me" I said embarrassed thinking back to that time

Sophia was four months old and I had been breastfeeding her. I noticed my left boob had gotten super swollen and painful to touch. I made an appointment with my doctor and by the time of the appointment I was in a lot of pain.

"Hey, can you watch Sophia?" I asked waking in JJ's room with the baby

"Yeah, are you leaving?"

"Yes. I have an appointment"

"For what? Is everything okay? Do you need me to come with you?"

I really didn't want to tell him. It was so embarrassing for me.

"My boob is super swollen and painful to touch. Pretty sure I have mastitis"

I went to my appointment and got antibiotics. The doctor told me I just needed to wait for the clot to pass. I went home and we got Sophia to bed.

JJ came in my room and asked how I was doing. I told him it was mastitis and explained it was just a clogged milk duct.

"I did some research and it says the clot can be sucked out. Do you want to try that? If you want, I'd be happy to help"

"I'm not going to ask you to do that. But thank you"

A few days passed and the pain was getting worse. Sophia was down for her nap and I went into JJ's room and asked, "Can you try to get it out?"

"Yeah" He said right away

We went into the bathroom and I just stood there. I knew I had to show him my boobs but it was just super awkward. He looked at my chest and said, "Holy shit, that's super swollen"

"Yeah, it hurts so bad" I said taking my shirt off and revealing my bra which I slipped my left breast out

JJ slightly grabbed my boob and I winced in pain and he placed his mouth around it as he began sucking. He was trying so hard and nothing. He grabbed his phone and looked up how to do it.

"Can I use my hands to help?" He asked

"Do whatever you have to do" I said as we were way past the awkward phase

He used his hands and it felt like he was milking me like a cow. It hurt but I knew it was going to help. He eventually got the clot because he quickly turned to the sink and spit it out. It looked disgusting.

"Holy shit. That's nasty"

"It's whatever, can I make sure I got it all? An article said sometimes a bit gets left behind"

"Yeah" I said and sure enough, JJ got a little bit more

The clot was much smaller and he tried a third time and he this time we didn't spit anything out. He just looked at me and said, "You're all good"

He washed the clots down the drain and I got my shirt back on. He was so calm and relaxed about the whole situation.

"Hey, thank you... It already feels so much better"

"No problem, anything I can do to help you I'll do. Always, no matter what or how gross you might think it is. You gave me a baby and I can never repay you for that" He said making me feel so much more comfortable with him and my post-baby body

JJ hugged me he held onto me for longer than expected but I cherished every moment.

I then thought and asked, "I know you got the clots but when did you try the actual milk?"

"After the first two clots. I tried to make sure there wasn't another one but got a mouthful of milk"

"Omg, why didn't you spit it out? I'm so sorry"

"Because you had no control and I'd rather have the milk than a clot if I'm being honest. If it's good for babies it won't hurt me. It's all good. Don't be embarrassed" He said calming me down again

JJ hung out and had dinner with us and then we got Sophia ready for bed and then JJ left. I thought Soph was asleep and then she asked, "Where daddy go?"

"Daddy went home to his house to sleep. You'll see daddy tomorrow"

"No, I want daddy" She said starting to cry

I got up and brought her into bed with me. I got her to calm down and she fell asleep in my arms. I brought her back to her bed and she stayed asleep all night.

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