chapter 5

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Kie's POV:

JJ and I were spending the night in John B and Sarah's stupid apartment in Los Angeles. That means there isn't much room. It was late and John B said, "Sorry, we just assumed the two of you could share the couch since you're having a baby together"

"Yeah, that's perfect" JJ said as the two went to their bedroom

JJ said, "I'll just take the floor"

"Don't be stupid" I said

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, besides it will be comfier with you"

JJ laid down first and I laid between his legs on my left side as my top leg rested on top of his leg.

"Is this okay?" I asked resting my head on his chest

"Yeah, it's perfect as long as you're comfortable" He said

I was listening to his heartbeat on his bare chest as he took his shirt off. I fell asleep and I felt JJ put a hand on my belly. He soon fell asleep and I was woken up by John B saying, "Morning, lovebirds"

"Shut up!" JJ said as I laid there and took a minute to slowly wake up

I got up and today we were going to do tourist LA things. I got dressed and I was wearing a sundress and it showed off the bump perfectly.

"Holy shit, hot momma alert" Sarah said putting her hands on my stomach

"Hot daddy alert" JJ announced himself which caused all of us to laugh

We spent the day touring LA with the happy couple. We took so many pictures and JJ said, "Hey, it's baby's first vacation"

"I promise, there will be more vacations with baby. I always had so much fun on the trips my parents took me on"

"Uhh, Kie... Hate it break it to you but I don't have that kind of money for those fancy vacations"

"Jayge, I have money. I promise you'll come with me on the trips"

"Yeah, and I don't. I refuse to let you pay for me"

"We'll figure it all out" I said

It was now really late and we were back at their apartment getting ready for bed. We went home tomorrow and we were both laying on the couch about to fall asleep. JJ wrapped his arms around my body and then he started playing with my hair.

"Kie" He whispered

"Yeah" I said sleepily

"What do you want to name the baby?"

"I have no idea. I have a huge list of baby names on my phone that I've liked over the years"

"Can I see it?"

I unlocked my phone and handed it to JJ and said, "Don't judge, some are awful"

JJ was looking at all the names and commenting on the ones he liked.

"Why is Lucas on this list?" He asked

"Because I liked the name in seventh grade. That was before I knew about your dad"

"Wait, you have my name on here? My first and middle name" He said confused

"Yeah, I did that last year. I wanted to make you the godfather of one of my future sons because everyone needs a JJ Maybank in their life. Someone my son would be best friends with. You'd be him and teach him how to flirt with girls and pull pranks. But you'd also teach him how to fight and be tough. He'd also learn his first cuss word from you. But you know what's better than having you as an uncle, having you be the father."

"Kie.." He said looking into my eyes

"What?" I asked breaking the eye contact as my heart was starting to race. I wanted him to kiss me.

"If it's a girl, her middle name should be Kiara or Anna. If it's a boy, I'd love for his middle name to be Jackson or James"

"I love that idea" I said falling asleep in his arms

JJ and I flew home the next evening and things got back to normal. JJ was working crazy hours and I was going to school and growing the baby. My mom had a baby shower for us and we got so many wonderful gifts. We decided we didn't want to know the gender of the baby and to keep it a surprise until the birth.

I was now eight months pregnant with our baby. JJ had been there every step of the way. Today, he was over at my parent's house while they were at work. It was a cold and stormy day and I felt awful. I had gotten to the part in the pregnancy where I was miserable and uncomfortable.

I was walking around in a pair of pajama shorts and one of JJ's shirts. JJ grabbed me and hugged me and said, "You are beautiful, you are growing a whole human right now. That's pretty fucking badass"

He looked into my eyes and it was that moment again and this time he slowly leaned in and kissed me. He pulled me closer as our lips moved together. The kiss was so gentle and soft. I wanted more, but I knew it was a bad idea. I pulled back at the same time and he apologized. We both just played it off as if nothing had happened.

"Sorry" He chuckled as he went back to putting baby clothes away

"It's fine" I said trying to pretend like nothing ever happened

The rest of my pregnancy was flying by so fast. It was night time and JJ was at my parent's house with me as they were working at the Wreck when I felt a little crampy in my stomach and then suddenly my water broke.

"JJ! J!" I called for him

He came running into the kitchen and saw what had happened.

"Holy shit, this is happening. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just got get my hospital bags" I said calmly and he took off running

He was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. He got everything in the car and he helped me to the car even though I said I was fine to walk alone. He was driving to the hospital and he called my parents on the way. He also texted in the pogue group chat that I was having the baby.

My mom came into my hospital room and checked to see how I was doing. She was actually really helpful and she took pictures and bossed the nurses and doctors around while JJ just sat with me and held my hand.

JJ looked at me and asked, "Do you want me in here?"

"Yes, you should be in here. I was planning on leaving when it's time to push or sooner if you'd like" my mom spoke

"J, I can't do this alone. Besides, you should be here when our baby is born" I said and he seemed more comfortable

It came to push and my mom left the room so JJ and I could do this together.

He was so supportive and he did and said all the things I needed/wanted to hear. I pushed for about twenty minutes and the doctor said, "There's the head! Dad, want to come look?"

JJ looked at me and I nodded yes and he moved down so he could see the baby coming out.

"Holy shit" He smiled to himself

He came back to my head and encouraged me as I kept pushing and then we heard the cries of our little baby.

JJ kissed my forehead and said, "You did so good"

"Congratulations on your baby girl" The doctor said

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