chapter 31

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Kie's POV:

I woke up the next morning and I was in JJ's bed. I felt much better and couldn't believe what happened last night. I was about to get up when JJ came into his room and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Better, thank you for last night"

"Anytime" He said holding our daughter

I sat up and he asked, "So what can I get you to eat? Cherry popsicle?"

I rolled my eyes and asked, "Can I just have a piece of toast? On non-moldy bread"

JJ laughed and said, "Coming right up"

He left Soph in bed with me and he went t make me a piece of toast. Soph looked at me and asked, "Sick?"

"Last night I was sick. I feel better now" I said as my daughter hugged me

Today, we just stayed at JJ's house and relaxed in our pajamas all day. We watched a few Christmas movies and just sat on the couch all day. We ordered pizza for dinner and Soph loved sitting on the couch eating pizza. It was something I don't think we've ever done with her.

This is something I used to do almost every weekend with JJ. The others would go to bed and we'd go outside and some weed which would make us hungry so we'd order a pizza and go inside the chateau and eat the pizza while watching whatever stupid show was on tv.

JJ cleaned up and then he dropped me and Soph back at my parent's house. He decided to come in and help get Soph to bed. When we walked in my mom asked, "How was your party?"

"Don't ask" I said not wanting to re-live that night

JJ looked at my mom and he started telling her and I went upstairs with Sophia. JJ joined us a few minutes later and we got Soph all tucked into bed. I went into my bedroom and he followed me and he asked, "Is there anything else I can do to help you?"

"No, I'm good... Thank you so much for last night. I owe you"

"You owe me nothing. You gave me Soph, I'm the one who will forever be in debt to you" He said looking at me

"You've done your fair share of taking care of me and I appreciate it. Now go home and be with your fiance"

"Goodnight, Kie" He said leaving my room

I got ready for bed and I was laying in my bed and I couldn't fall asleep. It had been almost an hour and I went downstairs to get some water. I saw JJ and my dad were sitting on the couch watching a hockey game together.

"Hey, are you okay?" My dad asked

"Yeah, just can't sleep" I said filling up my cup with water

"Why are you still here?" I asked JJ

"I invited him to stay and watch the game with me" My dad said

"You're more than welcome to join us" He added

"It's okay, I need to get to sleep. I have a job interview tomorrow" I said heading back up to my room

I laid in bed wondering why JJ was hanging out with my dad. I fell asleep and the next day had my job interview on zoom. It went really well. I also had a few texts and missed calls from Jack. He asked if I could hang out tonight and I agreed to it.

I went over to his house and he made dinner and he apologized for the whole cherry vodka situation.

"It's not your fault. You had no way of knowing"

"I do need to ask you something though and I don't want you to take it the wrong way"

"Go ahead"

"Is there something going on between you and JJ?" He asked

"What? No, why would you think that?" I asked super confused

"You two seem pretty close and I know you have a kid together but I don't know.... I just get this vibe that there is something happening. I mean he took you home last night"

"Jack, there is nothing happening between me and JJ. Honestly, nothing has happened since the night our daughter was conceived. We were best friends we had Soph together and that hasn't changed. But I promise you there is nothing going on there"

"Okay" Jack said kissing me

When the kiss broke he said, "I know it's early and we barely know each other but I'm falling in love with you, Kiara. I can see us building such an incredible life together"

I had no idea what to say back to that. Thankfully, his phone rang and it was a work call so he had to take it. My graduation was tomorrow so I didn't stay over as I had a lot to figure out. I went home and laid out everything. My graduation was in the afternoon and then my parents were having a small gathering after at their house for a small celebration. I made sure it was small.

It was graduation morning and everyone was making such a big deal about this and I honestly didn't know why. I got Sophia ready and then I got ready and I was wearing the red dress that JJ picked out.

I came downstairs and my mom said, "Wow, you look beautiful honey"

"Thank you" I said as she hugged me

We went to the graduation ceremony where I left Soph with my mom and dad and went to line up for the ceremony. The ceremony took a bit and then they started calling us up and soon I heard, "Kiara Anna Carrera"

I walked across the stage and shook all the people's hands and got my diploma. JJ was cheering the loudest as he held our daughter.

The ceremony ended and I found my family. I looked right at JJ who hugged me with Soph in his arms. My mom started taking pictures. My grandparents were here, my parents, JJ, Sophia, Jack, John B, Sarah, and Pope. That's odd, Taylor was supposed to be here. I wonder why she didn't come.

Everyone was hugging me and JJ came over and hugged me. He whispered, "I'm so fucking proud of you"

"Thank you, I honestly wouldn't be here without you"

We took so many pictures and Jack seemed to get along okay with my parents which was a good sign. Everyone was talking and I asked JJ, "Where's Taylor?"

"I ended things with her" He said quietly

"What? I'm so sorry, J"

"Ehh, it's okay. I've gotten over it"

"What happened?" I asked

"Nothing, she just isn't you" JJ said walking away back to John B and Pope and he left my heart beating so fast I thought it might explode

But now what was I supposed to do? I wasn't officially dating Jack but there was something going on there. I couldn't even think straight and people kept coming up to talk to me.

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