chapter 35

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Kie's POV:

We got home from Spain and I started work. I loved/hated it. I hated leaving Sophia every day with my mom because I missed her being home with me all the time. But I loved my job and the fact that I was finally making real money. Kook money. We were going to need it with the wedding coming up.

JJ and I decided we didn't want a long engagement as we both wanted another baby. All the venue locations were booked out so far and they were all extremely expensive. My parents were paying for the wedding and they didn't care where it was.

We decided we just wanted to keep it small. We were having the wedding at the country club. There was a last-minute cancellation and we took it. The wedding was in a month. There was so much to do.

JJ and I were busy picking out cake, and food, asking our friends to be in the wedding, etc. The girls went dress shopping with me and we found the perfect wedding dress. They also had a matching one for a flower girl. It was perfect for Sophia.

Things were falling into place perfectly. Sarah was my maid of honor and I asked my cousin Lily to be a bridesmaid as JJ had John B and Pope.

Finally, the wedding day was here. All the girls stayed at my parent's house and the boys were at the Chateau. The morning was filled with hair, makeup, and pictures. It was all so much. I just wanted to see JJ. He texted me all morning and Soph was so excited.

I was in my dress and we did the first look with my dad, then John B and Pope, and now I was about to see JJ. I lightly touched his shoulder telling him to turn around. He slowly turned and looked at me. He looked into my eyes and then he looked me up and down. It sent shivers down my spine. I've never had anyone look at me this way before.

"You look beautiful" He said hugging me

He whispered in my ear, "I don't know how I got so lucky"

The photographer took lots of pictures and then we did a cute first look with Sophia and JJ couldn't believe how grown up she looked. We got more pictures and then it was almost time for the wedding to start. I was walking down the aisle to JJ and our eyes were locked the whole time. We were both smiling. He held my hands the whole time I was up there and I was nervous to say my vows.

"J, I've got to be honest and say that I never thought you'd be the one that I would have Sophia with and end up marrying. But there is no one else that I'd want to do this crazy life with. From day one of our friendship, you've always protected me and cared about me more than anyone. You're the kindest and most loyal man in the world. You set the best example of what being a good dad looks like for Soph and you've shown her how she deserves to be loved someday by showing her how you treat and love me.

You've always jokingly called me princess, but that's exactly how you've always treated me like I'm a princess. You are my adventure buddy, my best friend, my soul mate, and the love of my life. I love you so much, JJ and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you"

I was crying during my vows and JJ was trying not to cry and then it was his turn to speak. I was shaking because I was so emotional. I was marrying my best friend today. It still didn't feel real.

"Kie, I've dreamt about this day from the day I met you. Your smile has this way of lighting up the whole room, you are selfless, brave, and extremely beautiful, way out of my league. You are the first person in my life who taught me what love is and the first person who truly loved me unconditionally. I never thought I could love anyone else as much as I love you, but then you gave me our beautiful little girl. You've given me all I could ask for in life, a family. I love you, Kie"

I was crying and we finally got to the part where we kissed, making it official. I was now JJ's wife. We were about to walk back down the aisle together. JJ picked Soph up and he carried her as he held my hand. This was the perfect exit from the ceremony.

Our reception started pretty much right after and our friends all gave speeches and then my mom and dad got up and he did the whole thank you for coming speech.

My mom took the microphone and said, "I just wanted to congratulate JJ and Kiara again and wish them a long and happy marriage. Mike and I couldn't be more excepted to officially gain JJ as a son. JJ, thank you for making my daughter happier than she's ever been in her life. We love seeing the two of you fall more and more in love every day. We love you both, congrats"

I kissed JJ and then whispered, "Who would've thought that my parents seem to like you more than me"

He laughed and said, "We've come so far"

JJ and I had the best night and my mom was taking Soph for the night so JJ and I could enjoy our wedding night. We were leaving for our honeymoon in a few days and I was so excited.

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