chapter 8

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Kie's POV:

Sophia was growing up so fast and JJ and I were figuring out the whole parenting thing together. JJ was working a ton and focusing on fixing up his house he grew up in. He had this dream and I fully supported him on it.

The place was pretty much trashed and it was going to take a lot of work. I helped JJ as much as I could. We have just been going through all the shit and tossing it, donating it, or putting it into storage for when the house is done.

JJ found a box full of pictures from his childhood. It was so fun to see him as a baby. He was adorable and he resembled our daughter a lot.

This weekend was Thanksgiving and sadly, we weren't able to see any of our friends as they were all off doing their own things. Sarah was in college and John B was with her. Pope might be coming home to see his parents but wasn't sure yet.

JJ was super nervous to meet all of my extended family. We were getting ready and my family was downstairs cooking. I was wearing leggings and a cranberry sweater and I had our daughter in the cutest little dress.

"Kie, are you sure it's cool if I crash your huge kook thanksgiving?"

"Yes, I need you here to make it through it"

We went downstairs and everyone surrounded the baby. We passed her around and my family was also obsessed her. My aunts couldn't get over how much she looked like me as a baby.

"Kiara, what are your plans? Are you getting married to JJ?" My grandma asked in front of everyone

"No, we're just friends"

"How do expect Sophia to know what love is if her parents aren't married" My very old fashioned grandma argued

"Grandma, I love you but my relationship with JJ isn't something that I'm going to talk to you about. JJ is an amazing father to Sophia and that's all that matters" I said walking away

Sophia was with my mom and I pulled JJ away and up to my room. I closed the door and he already knew I wasn't okay.

"I'm seconds away from freaking out and telling everyone to fuck off" I said stressed

"Don't let them get to you. Our daughter and the way we raise her isn't their concern" He said hugging me to get me to relax and it worked

JJ and I returned to the kitchen and everyone was sitting down to eat. JJ was holding Sophia and my grandma made everyone go around and say what they're thankful for.

My mom said the basics for her family and all that. She then paused and said, "I'm also so thankful to my honorary son, JJ and my daughter, Kiara for making me a grandma to the sweetest little girl"

I started crying and I got up and hugged my mom. She was so pissed at me for getting pregnant and now we were here today.

We all ate and the food was incredible. After we played games and everyone was watching football. It was getting late and JJ and I went upstairs to put Sophia to bed.

The next few weeks passed and John B and Sarah were home for Christmas. Pope was here too and we were all heading to the chateau. They were all waiting on us to arrive. We walked in the door and we were attacked by the three of them. They were baby vultures.

Sarah won and held her niece as Pope and John B both impatiently waited for their turns.

"Wow, we see how much you care about us" JJ teased our friends which earned him a hug from John B

We were just hanging out as they all took turns holding Sophia as we talked.

"So when are you two having another baby?" Sarah asked watching John B make faces at Sophia

JJ started laughing and I just gave Sarah a look. Pope jumped in, "You guys need a little boy. Can you imagine a mini JJ"

"I'll buy the beer and weed" John B teased us as they all know that's how the hook up happened

"Sorry, not gonna happen... Butttt I think it's time for John B and Sarah to give Sophia a cousin" I tried changing the subject

John B said, "Don't encourage her to beg me. We're waiting until after she graduates so looks like it's on Pope"

"Guys, I'm so single it's not even funny. I have to get through medical school before I even think about having kids"

We all just laughed at serious Pope. We just enjoyed the rest of the night and they were all sleeping at the chateau. JJ and I had to leave as we had the baby. We got our daughter in the car and I started crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked walking around to my side of the car

"I love being a mom so much but right now, I just want to be a teenager and spend the night with our friends getting drunk and smoking weed. I know this stupid and so childish but sometimes I just miss how things used to be before I got pregnant. You were the crazy one who always took me on wild adventures that turned into great stories. I miss the nights where we'd stay up late sitting in the hammock smoking and just talking about everything and nothing at the same time"

I haven't ever felt like this before today. I feel awful for missing my teenage years when I'm blessed with such an incredible daughter. But it was the truth. I wanted both.

"Your feelings are totally valid, Kie" JJ said hugging me

"You stay here tonight with everyone and I'll take Sophia home"

"No, it's okay. I need to feed her and it won't be the same without you here. I wish my parents were home so they could watch her"

"Kie, you have pumped so much milk. I can just make her a bottle and we'll see you tomorrow" JJ said

He took his hoodie off and gave it to me and said, "I know you get cold"

"Thank you, JJ" I said hugging him as I went back inside and he went home with our little girl

They were so excited that I was staying. Sarah kicked John B out of his room and we were having a girls night. We did face masks, watched our favorite movies, and talked about the boys.

"What's the deal with you and JJ?"

"We're just friends and we live together for our daughter"

"So nothing has happened since that one night? Not even a kiss?"

"No, we almost kissed a few weeks ago. JJ brought up that we could date but I don't know... It just seems so forced and he doesn't do relationships. I can't risk losing him, or worse Sophia losing him over a stupid break up"

"Kie, the face that JJ is willing to be in a relationship with you is huge. You don't know that you guys would break up. Who knows, maybe you'll get married, have more kids, live happily ever after"

"I wish it could be that easy, but it's not. Can we please talk about something else?"

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