chapter 4

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Kie's POV:

It had been a few days since I've seen JJ and the rest of my friends. It was over the weekend and they were all going to parties. I figured why even bother going. I couldn't drink or smoke weed anymore. I also felt so sick all the time.

It was Saturday night and I was crying on the couch because of stupid pregnancy hormones. The doorbell rang and my mom went to get it. A minute later, JJ came and sat next to me on the couch.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to hang out with you and our baby" He said grabbing a blanket and sitting closer to me

"You don't have to be here. I know you'd rather be out partying"

"You and our baby are my priority. I'm here, we're going to have fun" He said putting on a movie

He looked at me and said, "I know your hormones are all crazy right now, but please try not to worry. We'll take care of everything. Stress isn't good for you or the baby"

I cried even more and said, "Thanks, Jayge... Since when did you become such a baby expert?"

"I've been reading books and learning things" He said pulling out two parenting books from his backpack

"Damn, you're actually reading a book"

He laughed and said, "Yeah, I want to be the best dad I can be. I know it's still really early but we should start working on your birth plan"

He pulled out one of those books for me to document my pregnancy. He told me he never had anything like that and he'd love to give our kid the book someday. It was so adorable. We started filling out what we could.

We watched two movies and my mom walked in and asked, "Everything still okay?"

"Yeah, we're just hanging out" JJ replied

My mom smiled and said, "It's getting pretty late. There are lots of crazies out tonight. JJ, you are welcome to stay in the guest room"

"Thank you, Mrs. Carerra" He said and my mom smiled at him as she walked away

"Wow, we're making progress" I said shocked by my mother's behavior

JJ and I finished the movie and we went upstairs. He waited and came and said goodnight to me and he kissed my stomach and said, "Goodnight, little one"

He shut my bedroom door and went to the guest room. Holy shit, that was adorable. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning and threw up. I went downstairs and saw my mom and JJ making breakfast together.

"Good morning, baby!" My mom said when she saw me enter the kitchen

"Good morning" I said

JJ put a plate full of food down in front of me and I slowly ate. Thankfully, I didn't get sick. JJ cleaned up and my mom left for work. My dad left early this morning.

"I wish we could spend the day together, but I have to get to work. Call me if you need anything" JJ said leaving

I spent Sunday doing laundry and applying to community college in OBX. A month passed by and I was now two months pregnant. I was showing a small bump and rumors started around town. There was only three weeks left before everyone went their own ways.

I was feeling so left out and so alone. At lunch, my mom came home and we went for a walk together. She wanted to make sure I stayed active during my pregnancy as she said it helped her when she had me.

I don't know why she was suddenly being so supportive but I appreciated it.

The day came where we were all saying goodbye and going our separate ways. I was a huge emotional mess.

"JJ, when are you leaving on your surf trip?" Pope asked

"I'm not going. I'm staying here with Kie"

"No, you're going to live your dream and go on that trip. I'll still be here when you get back"

"We'll talk later" He said

Pope was the first to leave and the John B and Sarah got in her Volvo and started heading towards California. I cried as she drove away because I was supposed to be going with her.

Thankfully, I had JJ here to comfort me. He told me everything was going to be okay and he promised that I could go visit Sarah in a few weeks once she got settled.

JJ made it clear that he wasn't going on the surf trip and it broke my heart that I destroyed his dream because I got pregnant. I felt so guilty and I went home and told my mom because I had no one else to talk to.

"Kiara, he's doing the mature and responsible thing. Let him do this. He can always go on the trip after the baby is born"

I tried to listen to my mom but I still felt bad. JJ was working so many hours and I barely saw him as a I started college.

I was now three and a half months pregnant and so was showing. We never did an official announcement about my pregnancy because I didn't want to, not yet anyways.

I was on a plane with JJ to California. We were going to visit Sarah and John B. We were both so excited. When we arrived they both couldn't believe the small bump I had grown.

"Are you going to do a gender reveal?" Sarah asked

"Yes, we're doing in when everyone comes home for Christmas"

It was only three weeks away, which was so crazy. Our baby was coming in the April and it was all happening so fast. We all changed into our swimsuits and headed to the beach.

I caught JJ looking at my stomach and he said, "Our baby has grown so much"

Sarah made us sit the picture of him kissing my stomach. Sarah and I watched the boys surf and she asked a million questions. She was mainly concerned to see if I was macking JJ.

I told her over and over that I wasn't and she said. "Well you should because he's totally into you and you're carrying his baby"

"Sarah, he's my best friend"

"No, I'm your best friend. He is your soulmate."

I rolled my eyes as she was trying to set me up with him. We agreed no relationship and I wanted things to stay how they were. This can get way too complicated in relationships.

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