chapter 14

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Kie's POV:

We have been getting Sophia used to me and JJ not living together and it's been hard. She was finally not crying for me every night. John B and Sarah invited me and JJ out to California to come visit for a long weekend and we were going. We were leaving Sophia with my mom and dad.

We said goodbye to our daughter at home and then my dad dropped us off at the airport. He was so excited to get to spend time with his granddaughter. JJ and I got on our plane and flew to California. We landed and John B and Sarah picked us up. It was so good to see our friends.

They brought us back to their tiny apartment and John B said, "Sorry, we live in a shoebox now. Hope you guys don't mind sharing the couch bed"

They had a couch that pulled out into a bed. JJ answered for both of us and said, "Not at all"

We spent the next three days in downtown LA, surfing, sightseeing, and doing all the tourist stuff. Tonight was our last night here. We were at some college party where JJ found this blonde girl. a they were hanging out and that was the last time I saw him that night.

I stayed with Sarah and John B. We were getting ready to leave and we were trying to find JJ. Suddenly, he emerged from a bedroom as he was putting his shirt back on and the blonde followed him out. I felt overwhelmed seeing this.

I didn't say a word to him that night. Sarah kicked John B out of their bedroom and we were sharing their bed.

"What's bothering you about JJ and that girl hooking up?"

"Nothing... I could care less"

"Kie, that's bullshit and you know it"

"We clearly know how JJ feels about condoms... What if he got her pregnant? Or another girl before me? Think about how many like JJ babies there could be"

Sarah got up and walked out of the room. She returned a few seconds later and said, "He swore to me that he wore a condom"

"I seriously doubt it... Doesn't really matter to me anyway"

Sarah tried to get me to talk about it but I didn't want to. Sarah knew the girl and her name was Taylor. She was originally from South Carolina and only a few hour drive from OBX.

Sarah and I caught up on everything and the next day, I sat on the plane next to JJ with my head resting up against the window. I was super quiet all morning and I let a few tears as I watched the ground get further and further away.

I was thinking about JJ hooking up with that girl. It doesn't bother me that he did it. I just worry about Sophia and how she fits into all this. I don't want her to have multiple step siblings from stupid hook ups. But it's not my decision to make. I also couldn't stop thinking about what my life with Sarah would have been in California.

JJ kept asking if I was okay and what was bothering me but I refused to tell him. We landed and went to see our daughter. We both missed her so much. I did all my laundry and my mom was cooking tonight. JJ and I weren't speaking and my mom could sense the tension. Dinner was pretty quiet and after I gave Sophia a bath and started getting her ready for bed. JJ stayed to get her to bed and then he left without saying a word to me.

"Kiara, what's wrong?" My mom asked as I was now sitting down on the couch in the living room

"Nothing" I lied

"What did JJ do?" My mom asked knowing I wasn't capable of lying

"It's nothing specific. I guess it's not really a secret that JJ's been with a ton of girls. I guess I'm just wondering he has any kids out there that he doesn't know about. If he does, what he decides he likes those kids better than my kid and he leaves Sophia?"

My mom gave me a sympathetic look and said, "If he has other kids out there, there is nothing you can do to change that. But I can promise you that JJ will never leave Sophia. He loves that girl the way your father and I love you. We haven't always had the best relationship but that doesn't mean I don't love you.

When you first told me you were pregnant, I freaked out and that was wrong of me. I thought a baby would ruin your life but it's only made our lives better. The main reason I freaked out was because it was JJ who was the one sitting beside you. If I am being honest with you, I wished it was Pope or John B who was the father. I knew Luke when we were in high school and he was just like JJ. I worried about you and the baby. But it didn't take me long to see that JJ cared so much about you and that baby. Now, I'm so lucky he's the father because his love for Sophia and you is incredible."

My mom was in tears talking about JJ and I hugged her and said, "Thank you for everything"

"You're so welcome"

"And just so we're clear, JJ doesn't love me. He loves Sophia"

"Kiara, you must be blind. That boy is in love with you and he has been since day one. My husband doesn't even look at me the way JJ looks at you" My mom said and suddenly I wondered how JJ looked at me

"Really mom? If he loved me then why did he hook up with some girl this weekend?"

Her face went blank and I said, "Exactly, he doesn't love me"

I got up and walked upstairs to go take a shower and relax. This weekend was a lot for me. I went to bed as I was exhausted. I was just falling asleep when JJ texted me.

JJ: Goodnight! Please come over tomorrow night after I get off work so we can talk

Me: So leave Soph with my mom?

JJ: No, you can bring her. I'll make dinner

I wondered what he wanted to talk about.

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