chapter 17

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Kie's POV:

A few days have passed by and I haven't heard from JJ. Usually, he texts me everyday about Sophia. It's been four days and I've heard nothing. Soph has been asking to see daddy.

I got in my car and I drove to JJ's and knocked on the door with Sophia in my arms. He didn't answer which was strange. I used the key he gave me to open the door. No one was home.

"J" I yelled as I walked into his bedroom door that was shut

He was asleep in his bed and Taylor was there with him. They were both naked. I quickly shut the door and I brought Sophia to her room to play and I walked in his bedroom.

"JJ!" I said loud enough to wake him up

"What?" He asked half asleep

I looked next to his bed and there were a few beer bottles.

"Your daughter has been asking to see you for days. So we're here now and you're hungover"

"Get out of our room" Taylor said

I rolled my eyes and said, "JJ, get your ass out of bed and be a father. Taylor, get dressed and get out"

I left the room and I went into Sophia's room and shut the door and played with her. I heard the shower start a few minutes after it stopped, JJ opened her door.

"Daddy!" Sophia said leaping into his arms

JJ held her and asked, "What do you want to do today?"

"Boat" Sophia said

JJ decided to take her out into the marsh on the good old HMS Pouge. He went to the kitchen to pack a lunch for them and I followed him.

"She missed you like crazy. Four days is way too long to go without hearing from you. I don't care how pissed you are at me, you still show up for her"

"I know, I'm sorry. I came home and started drinking and didn't stop. Taylor spent a few days here and I know that's not who I am. Won't happen again"

Sophia came out of her room and she needed help getting her swimsuit on. I went and helped her and I was leaving and Soph said, "Mommy come with"

"I have homework to do, baby girl. You and daddy will have fun on the boat"

"Kie, you should come with us" JJ said

"No, it's okay"

"Pleaseee" Sophia said and I looked at JJ and he nodded yes

"Okay, let me go home and change and then I'll be back"

I came back and they were all ready to go. We drove to the chateau and got on the boat. I put the life jacket on Soph and JJ got everything else ready. I held her on my lap while JJ drove out into the marsh.

Soph loved the wind and the the occasional water splash. She was laughing and pointing out all the birds. JJ wasn't going that fast but our hair was still blowing around. Sophia's laugh and just seeing how much fun she was having made my whole day.

JJ anchored the boat and he jumped in which made our daughter laugh even more. She wanted to jump in with daddy. I got the cutest video of her and JJ. They stayed in the water for a few minutes before I lifted her back into the boat and JJ pulled himself up with no struggle.

"I think your mommy needs to swim"

"Yeah!" Sophia said cheering JJ on

JJ looked at Sophia and he whispered something in her ear. She giggled and shook her head yes as JJ turned back to me.

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