chapter 22

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Kie's POV:

It was making breakfast the front door opened and JJ was there. I just laughed at him for sneaking back in for breakfast. Soph was excited to see her dad.

We ate breakfast and JJ left to go home and get ready for work. Before he left, he airdropped me a video of Soph running into my arms this morning. It was adorable. I was so glad that he got this on video.

This weekend my mom and dad were having a party. It was all their friends, our family, and our neighbors. JJ and Taylor were invited and they were coming.

It was just a casual party. I spent a lot of time helping my mom set things up. She was cattering food in from the country club. People started showing up and Soph stuck by me.

There were about twenty people here when JJ showed up. Soph saw him right away and ran over to him. She hugged Taylor and then JJ picked her up.

The Heywards were here and so were the Cameron's. Pope's parent's came over to me and JJ and were excited to see Sophia.

More and more people showed up and the house was packed. It had been about two hours and I made sure Soph never left my side with all these strangers around.

I was going to the bathroom and my mom was watching Soph. I was changing my tampon when the string broke and I tried to get it out and I couldn't. I paniced and I texted JJ.

Me: Come to my room asap!!!!

JJ: Be there in a second

I was waiting for him in my room and came in and shut the door behind him. I looked at him a little worried.

"My tamon is stuck" I said super embarassed


"I went to change it and the string broke now it's stuck and I can't get it out"

JJ didn't even react. He moved his sleeves up and brought me into the bathroom. I washed his hands and he was actutally about to help me. He successfully removed the tampon. His hands looked like a crime scene.

He threw it away and washed his hands as I put a new one in and washed my hands. JJ was still in the bathroom and I said, "Thank you"

"Not a problem. Glad I was here to help"

"Do you just wanna stay up here and I'll just grab Sophia to get her ready for bed"

"I'll be here"

I ran downstairs quick and grabbed my girl and brought her upstairs to get her ready for bed. Just because the whole house was packed full of people, I was having Sophia sleep in my bedroom. She was excited to sleep in my bed. She was falling asleep and JJ said he was going to hang up here with her until the party was over just to make sure nothing crazy happened.

I went back to the party and told Taylor that JJ was getting Sophia to sleep. She was leaving to head back to JJ's. I made small talk with all the guests and as the party was winding down, I snuck up to my room.

When I opened my door, I immediatley took a picture. Not only was Sophia asleep, so was JJ. It was actually super adorable.

I didn't want to disupt either of them. I went in the bathroom and got ready for bed. I didn't know where I was going to sleep. I didn't want to wake them up. So I went to Sophia's room and laid in her toddler bed.

I tossed and turned and I finally fell asleep. I woke up and I was in JJ's arms. He was carrying me into my room. He laid me down in my bed and he said, "I'm not going to make you sleep in the toddler bed. Next time you wake me up and kick me out of your bed"

"You just looked so peaceful and it's late and Taylor left with your car. I didn't want to drive you home in the middle of the night so I just figured it would be easier to let you stay here"

"Stay with us" I said

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, someone has to make sure Soph doesn't roll out of bed"

JJ got back in my bed and Soph was between us. When she woke up, she was so excited to see me and JJ both right there.

"Mommy and daddy" She said jumping up and down on the bed

JJ scooped her up and grabbed her. He brought her downstairs and said to me, "I've got her, you sleep in a bit"

"Thank you" I said rolling back over

When I woke up, JJ and Soph brought me breakfast in bed.

"Wow, what's with all the special treatment?" I asked JJ

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "You're on your period, you could use some relaxation"

"I feel so spoiled" I said smiling at my little girl

I ate and JJ cleaned things up and I went and got dressed. I got my keys and I drove JJ home. Taylor was waiting outside and she looked pissed.

"So you two had sleepover" She said annoyed

"Taylor, nothing happened. JJ fell asleep in my bed with Sophia. I couldn't drive him home without waking our daughter up. So I let him sleep and I slept in her toddler bed" I said to Taylor

"I'm sorry, it was stupid of me to assume. Thanks for dropping him off"

"No problem, thanks for letting him stay and watch Soph this morning"

"He loves his daughter, I'm happy he gets to spend so much time with her"

I left with Soph and we went home. She played with her toys and I helped my mom clean the house after the party last night.

"So, I saw you had a certain someone spend the night" She smirked at me

I rolled my eyes as I said, "Mom, nothing happened. She slept between us all night"

She just gave me a look and I didn't want to talk about this with her. We were almost finished cleaning and she looked at me and said, "Kiara, let's just say that in high school I would have been furious to find out you had a boy in your bed last night. Now, I wish he was in your bed every night. You deserve love, darling and that boy has been trying to love you since day one. It's time you let him"

"Mom, he has a girlfriend and it's pretty serious. They've been together like a year"

"Time means nothing... You gave him a child. No one can compete with that. Tell him how you feel"

"I have my trip to California with Sarah next weekend. I need to talk to her first"

I was so excited to go to California and see Sarah. I missed her like crazy.

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