chapter 26

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Kie's POV:

I woke up the next morning and JJ was gone. I got up and went to get Sophia up but she was already awake and JJ was playing with her.

"Good morning" He said

"Good morning" I said

He went to the kitchen and made my favorite tea and told me to go back to bed. He said he called into work today. He was going to watch Soph so I could rest. I took full adavnatage of this.

I went to lay back down. I slept all day and I woke up feeling so much better. I went downstairs and JJ was hanging out with my parent's. Sophia was already in bed for the night.

"Hey sleephead" JJ said

"Hi" I said sitting down on the couch next to JJ

"What are you still doing here?" I asked him

"Just hanging with your parents" He said sipping a beer

My dad also had a beer and my mom had a glass of wine.

"Do you need something to drink?" JJ asked

"Orange juice please" I said

My mom laughed and JJ said, "Just like our daughter"

"Ha this comes from the grandma" My dad said

JJ left to get me orange juice and my dad said how whenever Anna was sick she always wanted orange juice and when I was little I was the same way.

JJ returned with my orange juice. He brought it to me in a sippy cup.

"Here's some orange juice for my baby" JJ said teasing handing me the sippy cup

My parent's both started laughing and I just rolled my eyes as I drank the juice out of Soph's cup as I laid my head on JJ's lap.

He played with my hair subconsciously as we talked with my parent's. The conversation wasn't about anything that important, just talking. It was mainly my mom, dad, and JJ talking. I was doing more listening than talking.

They were talking about where to go for my graduation trip. My parent's wanted to take me along with JJ and Soph on a trip after I graduated college to celebrate all my hardwork and JJ's.

JJ got along really well with my parent's. It's funny because my parent's used to hate him and now they adored him.

I don't remember much but I woke up the next morning in my bed. I got up early as I had an online class.

I got Soph up and my mom was making breakfast for us.

"Good morning my two adorable babies"

"Gramma" Soph said

"Good morning, mom"

My mom picked Sophia up and she handed me a cup of tea. She was smiling a little too much and I asked, "Why are you so happy?"

"I just had a really great night last night"

"With dad and JJ?"

"Yeah, do you remember falling asleep?"

"Not really"

"You fell asleep on his lap and he just let you lay there. He never stopped playing with your hair and he refused to wake you up. So he carried you to bed"

"He carried me to bed?"

"Yeah, he did because he loves you"

"If he loved me, mom, he'd tell me" I said being stubborn

She talked to me more about some trip destinations. I then quickly ran back to my room to get on Zoom for my class.

The next few weeks of class went by and I submitted my last assignment. I was officially done with college. Next was graduation in three days. I still haven't picked out my dress yet. I have Sophia's dress picked out.

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