chapter 7

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Sophia was already a month old. She's gotten so big so fast. I was terrified to become a dad, especially so young but I feel like it all just comes so naturally. It helps that Kie seems to know exactly what she's doing all the time.

Kie was busy taking a taking test and I was on baby duty. I was watching a football game while holding my sleeping daughter. She opened her eyes and she was so beautiful. She has Kie's complexion, my blue eyes, and her hair was dark just like her moms. She was perfect. I can't believe that I helped make such a perfect angel.

The other night, I was rubbing Kie's back as she nursed our daughter. It's the least I could do to help her. She put the baby back in her baby bed beside her bed and then I continued rubbing and she instantly fell asleep on me. She looked so peaceful and I hated to wake her up so I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

She woke up still on top of me. She got up and started getting Sophia ready. Truth is, I could have laid there with her all day. I know it was only supposed to be a one night thing but now we have a baby together and maybe getting together with Kie wouldn't be the worst thing. We could eventually move into a house together and raise Sophia together, as a family.

I knew I needed to talk to Kie about this but it just wasn't the right time. She was stressed trying to work, go to school, and be a mom. I've started working extra hours to help out with the whole money thing because turns out babies are expensive.

Mike and Anna support us so much and I'm so grateful but I refuse to let them buy things like diapers and wipes for Sophia. I'm her father and I need to be the one providing for her.

Another two months passed and Mike and Anna had Sophia tonight. Kie and I were just going out for the night to enjoy being teenagers. We got dinner at the Wreck and then we walked to the beach to get ice cream. We were now in the car and I was driving to the house so grew up in. I parked outside and brought Kie inside the rundown shack.

"So, I've been thinking about something and I want to know how you feel about it" I said nervously as I continued

"Since my dad is gone who knows where and my house is empty. I want to renovate it and fix it up for us to live in"

"Us?" Kie asked surprised

"Yeah, you, me, and our little girl" I said getting lost in her beautiful eyes

She looked back at me and I leaned in for the kiss and she did too for a brief second before she pulled back.

"JJ, I love that idea so much but I don't think it's a good idea we live together. But I fully support you fixing the house and I'd love to help you but I think it's best if I stay at my parent's house. But this will be the perfect place for you and Sophia when she's with you"

"So you really think this is the right thing to do? I just don't want to overstay my welcome at your parent's house"

"You can't overstay your welcome. We have a child together, that makes you family. If this is something you want, then do it" She said smiling at me as she pulled me in for a hug

"We can't be together... You are my rock and you're incredible with Sophia. We agreed to co-parents and it's going so well. If we start something, it could end and then things would get messy between us and it would impact our daughter. I'm not going to risk that. I'm sorry" Kie said clearly having her mind made up

"How do you know we'd end? We haven't even begun"

"Because I know your track record, JJ... You don't do relationships and that's okay. I'd never want to force you into one. We need to do what is best for our daughter and us dating isn't it. I'm sorry" She said firmly

I took the hint and changed the subject and we left and headed back to Mike and Anna's place. Our daughter was already asleep and Kie went and took a shower. While she was in the shower, Sophia was crying. I picked her up and tried everything, but I think she was hungry. I went downstairs and made her a bottle and I went back to Kie's room and sat in her bed as I gave Sophia her bottle.

Kie walked into her room in a towel from the shower. She saw me feeding the baby and she just smiled. She was getting dressed and then she crawled in her bed as I was burping the baby.

"You're so good with her, thank you for everything you do"

"I'm just doing what I think is right. You're the one who knows everything"

Kie just laughed and said, "I wish I knew everything"

I put Sophia back to bed and then I went to my room and tried to fall asleep. I just got rejected by Kie, go figure. But what she said made sense.

I was up super early the next day to get to work and then I was going to start renovating my dad's house. It was a project that I knew I had to do. I wanted to make that house into a place that my daughter would call home. A place where she will bring her friends over to play and for sleepovers. A place where her friends want to hang out. It was something I never had and everything I wanted for her.

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