chapter 16

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Kie's POV:

I arrived at JJ's and Taylor was there. I told JJ that I wanted to talk to him alone. I walked inside and he said, "Kie, I want to do this the right way"

I didn't say anything and I listened to him.

"Kie, this is my girlfriend, Taylor. Taylor, this is Kiara. One of my best friends and the mom to my little girl, Sophia"

Taylor smiled and said, "It's so nice to officially meet you. I'm sorry about last night. I had no idea anyone was here"

I didn't say anything at first. I looked at her and said, "What you and JJ do is none of my business. But Sophia is my daughter and JJ is her father so your relationship is my business. I don't want you around my daughter. I don't want her to know you, is that clear?"

"Uh, yeah of course. You're her mom"

"Kie.." JJ said pissed at how I was acting

I walked out of the house as I wasn't about to talk to JJ with Taylor there. I went home and my dad could sense my rage. He looked at me and asked, "Do I need to kick his ass?"

"No, it's okay" I said as JJ really didn't do anything wrong

A few days have gone by and so far JJ and Taylor have listened to my rule about keeping Sophia away from their relationship.

My mom was with Sophia and I was going for a walk. I was walking around the neighborhood and I was near the beach. I spotted JJ with Taylor. They were sitting together on the beach having a picnic. JJ had his surfboard next to them. I stood there watching the two of them and JJ looked so happy.

He was smiling and laughing and so was she. He really liked her. This was JJ's first real girlfriend. How did this happen so fast?

He was in love with her. I walked away before they noticed me there. I started running home as fast as I could. My head was spinning. He literally went from telling me he wanted me that night we hooked up to having a girlfriend in about ten seconds. I could process it. I got home and took a shower and continued on with my day as if nothing had happened.

The next morning I dropped Sophia off at JJ's house. JJ was so excited to see his daughter and she was so excited to see her daddy.

JJ picked her up and held her. He looked at me and I said, "I'm sorry for how I acted the other day"

"It's okay. There is a lot going on and a lot to get used to"

"Yeah" I said agreeing

JJ put Sophia down and she went to play with her toys. He looked at me and said, "I promise, no Taylor"

"Thank you" I said

I left and I went home and called Sarah and told her everything. She apolgized over and over again. She felt awful for being the one to take us to the party.

I told her it was okay and all that mattered was that JJ was happy. Because it was the truth. Sophia spent two days with JJ and I missed her like crazy.

JJ dropped her off and she ran to my arms. She told me all about her time with her daddy.

"Do you want to stay for dinner? My parents are working and I made way too much food"

"Yeah, I'd like that" JJ accepted the offer and we all went to the kitchen

JJ and I kept the conversation basic to include our daughter. She was almost two years old and growing up so fast.

She chatted away while we ate. She made a mess and we gave her a bath. Bath time was her favorite. JJ and I both sat in the bathroom watching her. I washed her hair for her and then JJ got her out.

Once she was all ready for bed, JJ and I read to her and then left the bedroom. I went to the kitchen to clean up from dinner as JJ came with.

"You don't have to help. I know you have plans with Taylor tonight"

"I do, but I don't want to leave you here with this mess"

"Please go... I invited you to stay tonight for Sophia. Now that she's asleep I want you to leave" I said firm

"Damn, okay" He said walking to the door without even looking back

I felt bad for how I treated him but it was awkward to be alone with him. The next time I saw JJ we were alone because we needed to talk. It turned into a huge fight. We've never fought like this before. We were both saying things we'd regret.

"You've never in been in a relationship before. How the fuck can you just hook up with some girl, decide you love her, start dating her and act like everything is normal"

"I can't keep living with your parents. It was fine at first but now that I'm older, have more money, and a house I need to be in my own. That includes trying to find someone to share my life with because unlike you I don't want to end up alone! Incase you haven't noticed, I don't have rich parents to fall back onto when life gets hard"

"Are you seriously telling me that I'm not doing anything? I'm working and going to school full time while raising my baby!"

JJ interrupted me and said, "Our baby"

I ignored him and continued, "I will move out of my parents house after I graduate and get a job. You have no right to judge me and how I live my life. My parent's are now a huge part of my life and Sophia's life. I'm not going to ruin that. Sophia needs grandparents in her life and clearly your parent's didn't stick around long enough to see you have kids"

"Yeah, you're right my parent's hated me. My mom is dead and honestly my dad might have killed her but I'll never know that because he's in fucking prison. You're right, they fucked me up and I don't think being a father is for me. Because I can see how you don't want me around Sophia anymore, scared I'll fuck her up just like my dad did to me. Well at least she'd be a pogue, Now, you're going to turn her into a fucking kook..."

"JJ, what the hell! I want Sophia to see you as much as possible"

"Bullshit" He screamed at me

"Im not going to turn her into a kook but I'm also not going to let her turn into a trashy pogue"

"A trashy pogue like her dad, I get it..." JJ said turning to leave

"Grow up and come back and talk when you can not be so pissed off at the world"

"Fuck you, Kie" He said leaving giving me the middle finger

"Fuck you!" I screamed

"You already did that! It's what got us into this mess" He screamed getting on his bike and taking off

I went to my bedroom and broke down in tears. I couldn't hold my emotions in anymore. Thankfully, my parent's were out shopping with Sophia right now so I was alone.

I decided to FaceTime John B and Sarah and tell them about the fight. I was crying and Sarah was totally on my side.

"This is all my fault, I'm so sorry"

"This isn't your fault. I just can't lose JJ. We had such a good relationship and I ruined it all by being a bitch about Taylor"

"He did jump into a relationship with her really fast. You have every right to set rules, especially to protect Sophia" John B added

We talked for an hour before Sophia came running into the room. I quickly dried my tears and acted as if everything was okay.

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