chapter 20

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Kie's POV:

We had a huge birthday celebration today for Sophia. Tonight, we were all getting together to hang out at the chateau like old times.

I showed up last and when I walked in there was Pope and the girl he brought from college, John B and Sarah, and JJ who brought Taylor. Everyone was looking at me and I kinda froze.

I didn't expect Taylor to be here.

"Hey" JJ said to me


Sarah thankfully grabbed me and brought me to the kitchen to get a drink

"I so wasn't expecting her to be here" I whispered

Before Sarah could say anything Taylor appeared in the kitchen.

"Hey, Kiara... Can we talk?"

I gave her a go ahead look and she said, "I hope that it's okay that I'm here. I just thought it would be nice for me to get to know JJ's friends"

"More the merrier" I said

"Kiara, please don't be mad at me. I'm not trying to compete with you. JJ is my boyfriend and I love him. I want our relationship to work and this is the next step"

"I'm not mad at you" I said leaving the kitchen

We sat in the living room talking and catching up.

"Kiara, where is your man?" Taylor asked

Sitting next to you is what I wanted to say but instead said, "Like I have time to find a man"

"What do you mean? JJ managed to find me. I'm sure you have some free time" Taylor smiled

"Being a mom, working, and going to school full-time takes up most of my time. Besides, no one wants a single mom to a toddler" I answered honestly

Thankfully, Sarah changed the subject and the conversation got better. Taylor didn't seem so awful. Out of nowhere, JJ got up and he grabbed my arm and he brought me into the spare bedroom and shut the door.

He looked at me and he asked, "Do you want me to ask Taylor to leave?"

"Why would you think I would want her to leave"

"Just seems to be some tension there" He said

"If you have to ask me, you already know my answer" I said leaving the bedroom

"Everything okay?" Pope asked

"Yeah, just talking about how one of us should get home to Sophia. Thank you all for coming to Soph's party. Have a safe trip home" I said walking out the door and leaving

I got in my car and I drove home. I didn't want to leave but I couldn't stand to be around Taylor.

I got home and I cried myself to sleep. My phone was blowing up. I saw I had texts from John B, Pope, Sarah, and JJ. I ignored them all and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and all my friends were headed back to college and I was stuck here, being a mom. I felt like shit after last night, but having my daughter come running into my bed and hug me good morning made me feel so much better.

Sophia was such a cuddle bug in the morning and I totally took advantage of it and stayed holding her in my arms as long as I could. She was growing up so fast.

Sarah called me and she apologized about the whole Taylor thing. She told me that JJ didn't bring her. She showed up on her own and JJ didn't even know she was coming.

I broke down crying to Sarah because it felt like I didn't even get to see my friends. She comforted me and said we are going to have a weekend together in California.

Things were fine between me and JJ. They weren't great but it was okay. We made it work. Tomorrow was our day where it was just the two of us.

I wanted to cancel but JJ insisted we go. He picked me up and I was pretty quiet. He took me to get food and we just sat in his car and ate in silence.

"I'm sorry for ruining our night with our friends"

"You didn't ruin it, Taylor did"

"I didn't know she was coming. I told her that I was hanging out at the chateau and she just showed up before you got there"

"Whatever, I don't care. She's your girlfriend and she should know your friends"

"So I have a question for you. You can say no. Can I have you and Taylor over for dinner sometime this week? Just the three of us, no Sophia"

"Yeah" I said knowing it meant a lot to him

"Thanks Kie"

"No problem" I said to him

Our night ended and he dropped me off at home. I walked inside dreading the dinner I agreed to. I asked JJ if I should bring anything and he said no. My mom was watching Sophia and she was shocked that I was going.

I arrived at JJ's house and Taylor wasn't there. It was just me and JJ. He made his famous pasta dish. It was my favorite.

"Where's Taylor?" I asked

"She'll be here in like ten minutes. I thought it was a good idea for you to get here first"

JJ and I talked and then Taylor arrived and walked up to JJ and quickly kissed him. Yuck. I was super polite and on my very best behavior. We all sat down to eat and I started casual conversation.

Taylor is the same age as us and she just graduated early as she took college classes in high school. She is bartending right now while she tries to find a job. She got her degree in education to be a teacher. She seemed like she had her whole life put together.

"So I have to ask... When do you guys think I can meet Sophia?" Taylor asked

I looked at JJ and he said, "Honestly, it's up to Kie and I respect whatever she thinks"

I appreciated him saying that and I said, "I'm not against you meeting her as just Taylor who is a friend. I don't want to explain the whole girlfriend thing quite yet."

We came up with a plan so Taylor could meet Sophia casually without Sophia knowing anything. Tomorrow JJ and I were taking Soph the Wreck for dinner and Taylor was going to stop by and say hi. I was super nervous for this. Overall, the dinner went well. Taylor was staying so JJ walked me out and he asked, "So?"

"It's hard to hate her" I admitted

"Yeah, she's pretty great. Are you sure you're okay with her meeting Sophia?"

"Yeah, baby steps... I can see you love Taylor abs if you're serious about this, I want to do the right thing"

"Thank you, Kie. It means a lot" He said hugging me quick before I left

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