Chapter 3

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I have various facets.

A man who is wanted, despised, and my favorite of all is being apparently deceased.

So the expression that the woman infront of me holds is not a surprise in the least.

Her rigid state, widened eyes, tense body all elaborate to the signification of her wariness.

Her brown eyes almost glow as that intricate mind of hers shifts.

I  examine her almost as if I were the curator deciding what to do with a brand-new work of art.

Her petite body curves in a way that perfectly compliments her figure as her deep brown hair sways.

her beauty is like the one of a new knife.

"Ariana" Giovanni calls her out of her reverie.



She is the type of calamity that I would want to place in a glass cage and watch deteriorate, watch as it goes insane.

But I have reason to believe she already is.

Ariana Valenci.

To say she is a demon walking this earth would be to undermine her. Her efforts in ensuring her high title and placement in this business are admirable.

I have learnt all that I can of her family and their work.

And the only conclusion I can come to is that their blood is poison.

But mine is venom.

My father and I are not here to make peace, or anything of the sort. 

We are here to warn them.

To pose a threat because of  the may reasons we have to trust that Giovanni has no intentions towards us but ill ones.

And we have made our point very clear.

Holding the position that I do, It is ever so irritating when people attempt to waste time.

My parents are thrilled by adrenaline, the rush fuels their will to live this life. Its influence on me has constructed my passion.

My mother, who has stayed at home has the never ending urge to blow up the Italians and remove them from the earth.

I would have gladly taken action in her suggestion but my father, ever so loving decided it was better to have a civilized discussion, thought the content was anything but.

My father looks to Giovanni, obvious irritation consuming his features "We should be on our way"

"yes, yes they should be" A delicate yet fierce voice snaps.

I look back to Ariana, her expressionless face an expression in itself.

"well aren't you just fascinating  darling malen'kiy monstr " I respond, mocking. My voice a mirror of how completely unimpressed I am with this meeting.


"p-please.." Giovanni  ushers us to take a seat

"No." I progress towards the entrance, my father behind me as we ignore the fool.

A hand tightly grips my arm attempting to hold me back. 

Who the fuck is touching me?

I look back at Giovanni, his eyes pleading.

"Let go of me, now" My voice settles chillingly low as I order him. Threaten him.

"please-please anything" He spits the lies out one after the other as he quickly removes his hand.

"Get on your knees, and beg.. beg us to not burn you to ash" I smirk, looking down at him. He lightly trembles, contemplating my inquiry.

He knows, he knows the damage that simple act will do.

"Don't you fucking dare" Ariana looks at her father and scoffs. Obviously disgusted that he could even consider such a thing.

"You do it, and I will burn you to ash my fucking self" She whispers the threat in a stern tone.

Her father looks to her, for any sign of reassurance or condolence.

She gives none.

So he gets down on one knee, then the other, each movement a lash to his ego.

I tilt my head, and my father sneers.

"no" I seethe, the words spiteful and I turn to the exit, my strides long and quick.

I make it to the exit and open the door, letting my father out first before I shut the door behind me a brief laugh escaping my lips.

The most feared Italian boss just kneeled before me and pleaded. He pleaded like the dog he is.

And he still hasn't realized.

He still hasn't realized that he just signed his death sentence. 


And that is the improved chapter 3,

 its not long but I really do like the changes I've made more and I hope u all do to! 

Any thoughts ?

word count:687

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