Chapter 28

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What we love we mention.

That is why I mention my mother, my brother and Isabelle.

These three people are the only people I believe I have ever loved. The only people I ever will love. 

I do not enjoy sitting in self pity. I do not like to rot in self disdain. I hate it. 

It makes me feel weak.That must sound petty and stupid. But it is true.

I now need to accept the fact that my father killed my mother. Or at least that is what I have understood from the entire situation.

None of this is normal. None of this is sane. My father raped a woman and killed his wife later? For what? To pin the blame on them? But it was so many years later that he killed her. I don't want to think about this.

But I feel like I have to. I should know. I should know where my mother is buried.  I should know the real story.

Giovanni moved her grave after the burial. Thought it was unsafe for so many people to know where her body lies. 

I think he is sick in the head.

talk about 3am thoughts. It currently 4 am and I haven't gotten a minute of sleep. 

After my encounter with Zayden, Isabelle and I went to the movies. We watched a movie in attempt to escape from everything. Let me tell you all that did was give me a good 2 hours to question my existence. So when we came back I went to the training room here. Isabelle didn't join me, Nicolai wants her for something, honestly I think he wants her to go back to Giovanni and work as his spy. Isabelle would do it. She would do it to stay with me.

I stand up and walk towards the balcony,  the colours in the sky form together.

From the darkest shade of purple to a deep ocean blue and a light pink that turned into a deep orange.

The colours Illuminate the sky, working together piece by piece to welcome the day.

 There is a slight breeze in the air but it isn't cold.

I lean onto the railing, staring forward into the sky as the darkness begins to disappear.

I look to my left and notice a man standing on a balcony a few rooms down.

He had a mug in his hand, taking small sips from it.

It is Zayden, and he looks peaceful. He isn't angry, or annoyed, or anything at all after our encounter. But I still am.

He is just sitting there.

I stare at him, mainly because he doesn't have a shirt on. His body is sculpted to perfection, a god. He sure as hell could pass for one.

He  turns his head slightly to the side probably sensing my stare so I look up.

Even though he is quite far, I can feel the smug smirk on his face as he recognises me. I roll my eyes and shake my head. I lean back of the railing as I turn back to my room and closed the balcony doors behind me.

I wash up and change my clothes before heading downstairs into the kitchen .

It's quiet as no one is up.

Except for me and him.

Oh and the security lining up at every door.

Its honestly easy to just pretend they're not there, everything gets a lot less annoying that way.

I'm used to it though.  Imagine having to be in your house with a guard at every corner, imagine needing to be protected in your own house.

Except I don't need to imagine it.

Now though, I'm protected in the enemies house. How the table has turned.

I make my self a cup of tea and sit outside on the swinging chair. The Kitchen is set up like any another, and finding what I want in here doesn't seem like it is going to ever be a struggle.

It's not as good as coffee but it's just as efficient for me.

" caught you staring," a voice so blaring interrupted the quiet. I rolled my eyes and keep staring at the garden in front of me.

But from the corner of my eye I can see he had put on a tight shirt that outlines his perfectly sculpted body.

Just because he is hot it doesn't mean I fucking like him.

"yes at the ugliest thing ever witnessed on this earth " I shrug my shoulders lying before taking a sip of my tea.

He chuckles a little before sitting in a chair opposite me.

"Me? Ugly?" He questioned as if thats the most absurd thing he has ever heard leave someone's moth.

"Yep, not even your personality can make up for it, not that you seem to have a good personality " I added.

He laughed at that, the sound nothing but pure astonishment but I keep my focus on the trees behind him.

"If you want to check me out next time, please do so and take your time "

"Whatever you say," he rolls his eyes at my short response a smile tugging at his lips

Why is he trying to make conversation? Is he really that bored with his life?Did he seriously not bother me enough in that room.

"You're embarrassed that I caught you, that's why you won't look at me,"

I scoff and chuckle, tearing  my eyes away from the trees behind him and make direct eye contact with him.

"I was just trying to enjoy my tea before I got interrupted by an annoying fucker, Why are you even talking to me in the first place" I shoot a sarcastic smile his way and he sighs.

"because it's currently 4am and I am bored out of my wits" is his only response before he mutters something under his breath as he gets up and starts heading for the back door.

"and because you are bored you suddenly don't have the urge to kill me or annoy me or hate me" My eyebrows raise as I question him and he stops dead in his tracks

"no, I still fucking hate you and would love nothing more, but we can continue trying to make each others lives miserable after 6" He states as if our conversation is normal when it is anything but that.

I don't have the energy to argue with him.

"I have a question" I don't wait for him to reply to that before continuing. 

"Why did you point that gun to my heart when you were stalking me, and why did you have to fucking drag me on glass" I give him a look.

"That's two questions, look who's trying to make conversation now. I thought you hated me" He smirks mocking me.

" well then I have two questions for you, answer them" I'm not bothered to entertain him. I want my answer.

His smile drops and he looks at me.

"I pointed that gun to your heart to warn you, you already know that"He stops

"And I didn't have you dragged on the glass for any specific reason" He finishes

I only nod my head in answer and he continues to the door.

"Wait," I called out. He stopped and looked over his shoulder to me.

"Close the fly screen behind you"


Word count:1196

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