Chapter 37

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It should be fucking illegal to look like that.

I cannot take me eyes off him, not as he walks us through the crowd and not as he walks up to a man seemingly in his early 50's.

I'm given the clear instructions to not interfere unless he asks me to.

I order a glass or chardonnay and wait for him to reach the man.

This is going to be entertaining.

I take a sip and watch as the mans face morphs into an expression of panic, he tries to get up and leave but zayden grabs him by his shoulder and sits him back down.


Nobody seems to notice this happening of course, too entranced in their own life and doings to pay any attention to the scene unfolding.

The man looks at him with such fear In his eyes I want to laugh.

If only he knew he the same man that's going to kill him is the same man that went on a walk with me last night, the same man that saved me from my dad for whatever reason he had, the same man that made me tea, the same man that stalked me and marked my heart.

At this point I think that meant something else.

Because Zayden isn't going to kill me, he won't even hurt me. 

He did once, but he won't.

Not again.

I watch Zayden pick the man up by his collar and say something to him, the mans eyes moving towards me and he seems to quiver even more.

What has he told him?

Zayden looks towards me and motions to the back door.

I nod and get off the chair, downing my drink.

I follow behind them slowly as Zayden moves him through the crowd and opens the door.

He keeps it open for me then closes it and locks it throwing the guy onto the floor.

It's a shame I'll have to dirty this dress.

"I'll give you the honours" Zayden tells me with a smile 

I walk over to the man and lift his head up by grabbing his hair before I slam it back down into the concrete floor. I do this several times before I walk around him and grab his leg,  my nails digging into him as I drag him.

I'm lucky the guy is scrawny otherwise I would be struggling with this.

He squirms trying to get away from me but his concussion is making him weak.

I look back at zayden who is leaning back on the wall with a smile on his face. 

He never smiles like that.

He must be enjoying this.

I flip the guy over and lay him on his back.

His face is scarred and bruised.

It's even uglier to look at than before.

I take out my gun that's strapped to my thigh and show it to him.

He immediately freezes, his panic evident in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't be using this on you" I tell him cocking my head  to the side.

"Zayden do you have a knife on you?" I ask him turning around

He leans off the wall and walks over to me  handing me his knife.

I don't take it.

"It's your turn" I say and walk away from the man who stares at me as if I've betrayed him.

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