Chapter 35

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Ive never seen a person of his character so vulnerable. I know he didn't like it. I know it's going to torture him for a little. 

It's normal to have those nights. Trust me I would know. Especially doing what we do, sometimes there are moments where the full intensity of our actions really hit, or others actions.

I boil the kettle, standing at the edge of the sink as I stare out the window. 

I hear footsteps ascend into the room. The floorboard creaks under his bodyweight as he gets closer to me. 

and for some odd reason he stands right beside me. I stare up at him, my eyebrows knit together. He goes to say something, stops himself before placing his head on my shoulder. 

I cant stop my hand as it tangles into his hair. 

I don't know why.

We stay like this until the kettle finishes boiling and he moves his head off me. I watch him as he makes my tea for me.

He hands it to me and I look at him as I take it out of his hands.

He hasn't said anything to me yet.

"Thanks" I offer him a small smile and turn around. 

I hear him following me into the living room and I take a seat on the couch.

He sits next to me.

"By tomorrow all the guards are going to leave" He tells me his voice quiet.


"What do you mean?",I look at him as I take a sip from the tea waiting for his response

No way he is letting us stay here alone?

"Isn't that hot?" He raises his eyes at me as I take a sip.

I shrug my shoulder

"they're getting pretty fucking annoying so they're going to be gone" he continues

I nod my head and look away.

" Isn't it little unsafe for you to be alone in a house with me?" 

" Isn't it a little unsafe for you to be here with me?" He raises an eyebrow at me

" If it was I wouldn't have let you bring me here" I tell him

"I know" he looks away leaning into the couch and leaning his head back.

I take another sip of my tea.

"Do you wanna talk about it, well whatever that was?" I ask him 

He lets out a sigh and sits up.

"It's none of you're business" His voice is all serious again

"What are we 10? Here I was thinking we were finally getting along" I roll my eyes at him

"We are.... getting along" He pulls his hand down his face.

Sure we are.

I nod my head at him and get off the couch.

He looks at me with an expression I can't decipher before he again covers it up.

Fucking bipolar and indecisive .

I walk away and head back up to my room.

Its not even sunrise yet.

But I cannot go back to bed.

I put the tea on my bedside table and sit on my bed.

God help me.

I walk into my wardrobe and put on some tights and a long sleeve black shirt.

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