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I'm so fucking confused.

Did I do something wrong?

Is she mad at me?

No she's not mad at me because if she was she wouldn't just be ignoring me she would be trying to kill me.

But she kissed me back.

What am I going to do? I haven't spoken to her properly in weeks.

I groan and lean back in my chair.

She's out again, I've realised that a lot lately. She constantly goes to this little bookstore, the same one I've been to million times. She just sits there reading then leaves and goes to some other random place.

Giovanni is going to find her. She's not being careful, and he is going to get her.

I can't let that happen.

But I've been so busy closing deals and following people up that I haven't been able to keep a good eye on her.

I pull myself off the seat and walk into the kitchen.
I don't want to cook anything right now and I know if I do cook I'm not just going to make food for one person.

I did that the other day, made a full meal and made her a plate too incase she decided to stop ignoring me .

Alexander ended up eating it instead and I came close to throwing a plate at his head.

I just want her to talk to me.
Fucking tell me what's wrong.

I'm going out. I'll get some food, go on a walk and then come back here. 

I leave the kitchen and walk through the corridor. 

" Alexander you want anything to eat" I yell through the house hoping he can hear me,
if he doesn't I don't care.

" Nah I'm good" his reply comes shortly after and I walk out of the house .

I walk over to my car and open the door.

I sit down and am immediately hit with the scent of rose and honeysuckle.

Her perfume.

Now my car smells like her.

I wanted to speak to her about the documents for the marriage. I needed to explain everything to her. I never got to.

Instead I kissed her and then we just stopped talking.
I guess there isn't even anything I can say about it anymore.

I drive to a restaurant that my dad would normally take me to when I  was little and walk in.
I don't even wait for the waiter to approach me, they already know not to bother wasting my time.It sounds rude but when were in a rush and need something we should be able to come in grab our food and leave without having to indulge in idle conversation. 

I walk towards a table that's resigned for my me and open the menu.

Ariana's probably at that bookstore again.

A man approached me and I stare at him.
" Есть что-нибудь, что я могу тебе принести??" He speaks and the words sound off

" yea, just get me the usual" I reply in Russian and he looks at me confused.

" the chef will know" I clarify for him in English and he nods his head walking away.


The door opens and a gust of wind is blown into the restaurant.

I turn around to see who walked in and I almost immediately freeze.

She's there, her brown hair left out( she almost never leaves her hair up) as her eyes study the room.

I quickly turn around trying to avoid her from seeing me.

I turn back around and see her speaking to the waiter .

 She looks up at him and the waiter speaks to her as if its the most important thing in the world.

Who the fuck is he?

I watch as he walks over to another table and she sits.

He leans down and whispers something in her ear and her eyes widen.

I wonder what he told her.

She's sitting on a table that's pushed against the window.

She isn't given a menu, and she looks at the vacant chair opposite her.

I'm going to kill whoever that chair is for.

I sit impatiently.

I need to speak to her, I want to speak to her, but I won't.

If were going to speak, she is going to need to approach me first.

I'm not going after her if she doesn't want me to.

Her head snaps to the door and I see her visibly stiffen, her fingers lightly tapping on her knee.

I look at the door and my heart drops.


My chest suddenly fells tight, as I struggle to keep my breathing steady. The restaurant fells smaller, the walls closing in as if the very air was being sucked out of the room.

I try to focus by noting small details. The black tablecloth, the flickering candlelight.

Nothing helps.

Ariana stares at him as he approaches her. 

She's not shocked and that takes me aback.

She's expecting him.

She wanted him to come here.

How could she.

She fucking bought Giovanni to us.

He is the whole fucking reason we came here.

I can't let them see me.

Giovanni stands beside the table expecting Ariana to get up and greet him.

She stays seated.

A scowl forms on his face and he takes a seat.


Word count:820

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