Chapter 20

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I watch from my car as Ariana is led back into her fathers house accompanied by 6 guards.

Her dad is really fucking afraid of her.

I'm waiting for his little outburst. I want it to happen.

And its going to happen now.

My eyes widen in delight as I watch him exit the house.

This is going to be fun. I get out of my car and walk up to him.

"YOU MOTHERFU-"I cut him off punching his jaw.

He groans, grabbing his jaw and rubbing it as he spits blood onto the floor

I stand up straight and wait for him to gather himself.


Please. This son of a bitch couldn't give less of a fuck about Ariana, Which is actually really fucking stupid of him. One , being because its his daughter, two she is fucking amazing at what she does and could be put to much better use.

" in reality they are basically my papers too"I smirk.


Fuck him. Fuck what he thinks I'm meant to do. I am not marrying her, not for him, not for my dad, not for anyone.

And I certainly do not need Ariana or someone else to hear this.

" GIVE ME BACK THE PAPERS " he refuses to call the fuck down and I'm tempted to knock him out again

" why do you still need them" I question him and he seems startled by it

" wh-what do you mean" 

I roll my eyes at him.

" why the fuck do you need the papers if I'm not going to marry her? " I say getting agitated

" that is none of ur concern"  he takes a step back

Oh but it is.

" what the fuck are you planning" I take out my gun.

" are you forgetting where you are boy, and who you speak to?" He looks at me in disgust

I laugh.

" do you still forget I'm not a little boy anymore"

He stares at me as if he would like to hang my head on his wall. 

The six guards come back outside and surround us each one of them now holding a gun in my direction. Fun.

I tilt my head mockingly, a sinister smile playing on my lips. "You know, for a man who claims to have everything under control, you seem awfully desperate to cling onto those papers."

His eyes narrow, and for a moment, I can see the gears turning in his head as he contemplates his next move. "I won't let you ruin everything," he growls.

I take a step closer, closing the distance between us, the cold metal of my gun reflecting the dim light. "Ruin what? You're grand plans to gain more power by starting an alliance?" I scoff. "I don't think so"

He grits his teeth, visibly seething with anger. "You have no idea what's at stake here. This is bigger than you or Ariana."

I raise an eyebrow, feigning interest. "Oh, do enlighten me. I'm dying to know what grand scheme you've created, It couldn't possibly be worse than your last one "

He seems taken aback by the fact that I know about what happened all those years ago.

His gaze darts around "You think you're invincible, don't you? There are forces at play that you can't comprehend."

I chuckle. "Forces at play? Please, spare me the theatrics.  I know these forces at play, We control them"

His eyes narrow even further, and he takes a deep breath, as if preparing himself for a confrontation. "You're not leaving here with those papers. "

"Well then it's a good thing they're not with me" I turn around and walk back to the car.



"One out of you ten will be sent to go undercover to the Valenci's Mafia, you will keep a very close eye on Giovanni and report back every week"I address the men and women infant of me

Kairi, Alexander and I went through out options and picked out some of the best of our people to go undercover. I. needs hints, I need clues, I need to find out this sick bastards plan so I can beat him.

"you will each undergo interrogation by the three of us and whoever speaks is cut off" I continue

They all nod their heads in understanding.

I look down to the paper infant of me.

"Vanya, you will go with Kairi, Lennox go with Alexander and Declan.. Your with me" 

each individual has been given a piece of information that they are meant to protect and they better protect that with their life.

I tower over the battered figure of Declan, who is now slouched in a cold, metallic chair in the dimly lit room. 

He winces but remains silent his eyes fixed on my gaze.

"You are going to tell me what you know or I will continue to make this as painful as possible" 

Declan managed a weak smile through his battered face. 

With a forceful motion I slam him back into the chair "You can make this very easy, or very hard on yourself" 

Declan spat out blood.

I'm assuming that's my response.

The other side will never let it be easy, and that should be remembered, never break with the hopes of saving yourself, when you are the collateral damage. 

I have cut his legs and arms, he's tied up with chains, I've landed some pretty fucking hard hits and knocked him out with metal , I've also dislocated his fingers and put them back in place. His screams made my ears boil, but he didn't break.

I drag my knife down his arm and stab it into his hand.

"Im going to go grab the petrol" I smile at him.

When I send one of them to Giovannis , they won't just be interrogated by him, but by Ariana. And that is a death sentence, one I am going to teach these people how to survive.


Word count:1007

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