Chapter 17

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" it's nothing personal just business, are you a fucking idiot" Kairi rolls his eyes at me.

Why do I tell him anything. Oh that's right I didn't , it was all Alexander who is currently holding back a smirk.

And here I was thinking he's quiet.

" what did you want me to do,lie to her and coat the whole situation in sugar?" I shake my head

After I said that to Ariana she made it her personal mission to ruin all my work.
She's messing with the new recruits, my guards and burning  or breaking all my shit.

My father won't say anything because as always it's my problem and he won't get involved with that girl.

" well yea, you could've just lied, not like that's anything new" he takes a sip from his drink and looks at me as if I'm an idiot.

" if it was up to me I would be retaliating but I do not have that pleasure"

We are at my club sitting in my private room.
The noise from downstairs is partially blocked off and I'm fucking grateful for that because if I had to deal with that shit there would be bullets flying.

Kairi and Alexander have joined me.

" you really do want to die..." Kairi doesn't get to finish his statement as I leave them on the couch and walk over to the glass window.

I can see everything from up here, the multiple people grinding against each other as they dance holding their drinks in the air and dancing to the people sitting at the booths and bar downing their sorrows or embracing them.

And I can see the dark haired girl who has continued to torment me for days without end walk in.

She's wearing a small black dress that does little to leave things to the imagination.
Her hair is straightened defying the natural physics of her wavy, curly hair and her eyes look almost black in the dim lighting.

She looks.. like an angel from hell.

But she would love nothing more than to kill me.

Especially when she finds out I found my shipments. we went yesterday and retrieved them.
Her mafia suffered many losses, guess she really was useful to them.
But she does not influence the performance of her workers so they should be training them harder.

I haven't told her and don't plan on letting her know.

But I'm intrigued. Why the fuck is she here?

Though that question is answered I see her walk over to another girl.


What the fuck are they doing.

Alexander comes besides me analysing the room.

" do you want us to interfere?" He questions me

Do I want him to?
No ,no I do not.

" leave them"

I walk back over to Kairi.
" what was that about?" He looks between Alexander and me

" ooh, wait no don't tell me.... Zaydens psycho crush is here" I roll my eyes and groan

"I don't like her, I fucking hate her because of her father, do I admire her work of-course I do ,not many people can accomplish what she does but she is a nuisance and I would love for her death to be by my hands" I counter

" I don't know if you're trying to convince yourself or us" he chokes on his laughter

" you hate her father why does that make you obligated to hate her?" He hiccups

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