Chapter 15

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She's going to be okay, just a lot of rest. The worst of it is her broken and bruised ribs," an unfamiliar voice says.

" thank you"

That voice.

I slowly lift my heat up and see Zayden standing at the door. His brows furrowed and body tense.

I lay my head back down .

Fuck him.
I remember all the events from yesterday. Atleast I think it all happened yesterday, I'm not sure.

"How long was I asleep for?" I let him know I'm awake though he probably knew from the second my breathing turned uneven.

"Three days" his voice sounds tired
Three days. I've been in this place for three days.

Why did I sleep for that long?

He look at me perplexed

"What the fuck do you mean how?"

" I mean how did I stay asleep for 3 days?" I roll my eyes at him

" it was your bodies response" he shrugs his shoulders

I look at him.
His dishevelled hair and... what is he wearing... no he couldn't be.
I'm witnessing zayden oleska in grey track pants and a compression shirt.
That is hilarious.
He did that deliberately.
A smirk makes its way into my face but is replaced with a wince as I feel a sudden pain on my side.

He leans off the door slightly, " you still have broken ribs but they will heal themselves overtime, you will feel the pain" he informs me

Why did he bring me here? I don't want to be here.

"Why am I here" I glare at him as thought the answer to that question isn't obvious enough. It's almost unnatural how sharp his jawline is and how perfectly his nose fits his face.
His dark hair really brings out the colour in his green eyes and I can't help but be captivated by them.
But I still hate him.

" you милый are here because you stole my shipments" his smile is deadly and I return it.

" oh yes, whoever is in order of those shipments should be much more careful it's such a shame that all that money was wasted, Atleast the items will be put to use" I ramble on trying to agitate him and it's obviously working as he tries to restrain himself

" where the fuck are they " he grits the words through his teeth

I leave him without an answer.

"Are you just going to fucking ignore me, grow up" the words roll off his tongue bitter

"It's because I'm grown up that I fucking ignore you , you idiot" I hiss my voice rough, the last word laced with my Italian accent

"It's not a fucking game"

"is it not?" I question

" you do something to me, I do my best to cause chaos for you, we both see each other again in a circumstance such as this and we act as if there's something between us when all there is, is an undying hate and then the cycle repeats itself" I continue and he listens carefully to my words

The door slams shut and he walks closer.

" no one is pretending there's anything between us, we both know that our hate runs deep and that is all and if you want to turn this into a game, I'll play" he grits, I've struck a nerve

I don't think Zayden has ever really loathed me.
Pitied me sure, dislike of course, hate me sure for a short period of time, but he has no reason to loathe me.
Not as deeply as I loathe him.

I look at him
" why are you still here" I complain

" it is my house, so stop acting like a child before I make ur injuries worse" he threatens me

"Bite me" I scoff

"ask nicely love" he reply his voice soft and daring

I grab the glass on my bed side table and throw it at him.

It hits his chest and breaks falling to the floor in pieces.
Is he made of stone or something?
That glass must be weak.

"maybe you should keep in mind you only have one useful fucking hand"

I pause considering what he said.

One hand,I look down to my left hand to see it bandaged. How the hell did I not notice that?

"It's just a sprain relax" he chuckles at my reaction
He better watch it.

It's annoying me how calm he is being, how careless he is. It's unnerving ,he always has a retort or some sort of negative reaction.
It fuels me, I need it to feel a semblance of normality when everything seems so twisted.

I stare at him my jaw clenched.

I try not to wince at the pain . This pain that has made me vulnerable.

Where is my gun and knife when I actually need them; and to make it even better theres nothing for me to throw at him anymore.

"Take me home now" I demand him, becoming slightly light headed

He shakes his head, his patience running low,
" which one your fathers or yours?" He retorts and my face heats up

I forgot about that.

He laughs " that's what I thought"

" I'm not going to stay here" I raise my voice at him

" too bad you don't have a choice in it, you will stay here, you will prioritise your mafia alongside our deal and then once that is all over you can go die for all I care but right now you need to stay here" He doesn't leave room for argument and I wish I could stand up without feeling like I'm being stabbed just so I can knock him out.

But He leaves

He leaves without saying a word.

He leaves before I can tell him just how much I fucking hate him for making me hate him. Because now I know, I know there is no word to express my hate for that man.

I look towards a corner of the unfamiliar  room where a mirror is placed on the wall. I wince at my own reflection. My hair held in a messy bun exposes my bruised face. My lips are cut and swollen, and my face somewhat drained of life.

Yet all I am is a sinner judging others for their their own sins which in no world would be worse than my own.
Thats right two chapter in one day, hope you guys Enjoy them ! Is there anything specific you guys want to see?

Word count:1070

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