Chapter 18

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I walk out of the club with my hand wrapped around Isabelle's arm. I'm so fucking out of breath. Moving around that crowd is such a struggle for no reason. Its almost as hard as hearing someone speak over the blaring music.

my heart is pumping, the rhythm of the beat echoing inside my head as I come to a stop outside the club.

That was thrilling.

Our plan worked perfectly. How I actually pulled it off I have no idea, but atleast now I have freedom. Well a bit of freedom.

I can't fucking believe him though. I can actually, but the number of deaths he caused for my mafia is fucking unbelievable. Just for shipments. We even had  more people working in that section then they did, so it confuses me how the fuck they knew where they were considering its highly classified.

Isabelle will have to go back and tell Giovanni to test the trust of his workers because I fucking know it wasn't any of mine that sold it out.

I need to go back. I need to do something because I absolutely hate being here and doing nothing with myself.

Dario opens the door to our ride and lets us in.

He takes Isabelle back to our house and I walk her to the door.

"Don't do something fucking stupid like that again" she scolds me , her facial expression unreadable due to the dark.

" sure"

In other words that means no, I'm not making any promises, and she knows that so she unlocks the door and goes inside.

I check the perimeter, I know Isabelle is more than capable to do it herself but she's tired and it would give me peace of mind.
It took me an hour with Dario's help.
The area was clear.

I get back into the car and sink into the seat.

Why are cars always so comfortable, I can never find a couch like this.

" where would you like me to drop you off boss" Dario asks

"Take me to the cliffs," I mumble

Dario nods, navigating through the city's streets with practiced ease. It takes us a good hour to approach the cliffs, and when we do, I catch sight of the dark expanse of the ocean beneath, waves crashing against the rocks. The night air is cool, and I roll down the window, letting it sweep through the car.

The car pulls up to the edge, and I step out, making my way to the edge. The moonlight casts a silvery glow over the water below, revealing the rocky terrain of the cliff's base. I take in a deep breath, attempting to clear my mind.

The hum of the cars engine slowly disappears as he leaves me here. Its close enough to Zayden's estate for me to be able to walk there within an hour.

Standing at the edge, I can feel the cool breeze tousle my hair, carrying away the remnants of the nightclub's tension. The world feels suspended in time, and for a moment, there's a semblance of peace that wraps around me like a comforting shroud.

I find a jagged rock to sit on, the cold surface biting through the fabric of my clothes. I shouldn't be wearing this outside, I'm going to get sick. I let a heavy sigh, escapes into the night air.

The sound of footsteps interrupts the silence, and I turn to see Dario approaching cautiously. He doesn't speak, merely offering a nod of acknowledgment.

"I just want know how many more of my men you killed in order to get to my club" A voice speaks up and I whip my head to back to Dario's figure. Only it isn't him. 

It's the person who I came here to escape.

You know what I find completely draining. In all my attempts to rid myself of his presence, he is always there, always finds me.

God just give me 24 hours without his overbearing presence .

"You have a talent for pushing buttons, Zayden.  I suggest you leave."

I keep my eyes plastered on his face, but I can't see his features clear enough to make out an expression.

 he takes a step closer. "Or what, Ariana? You'll throw me off these cliffs? Tempting, but I'll pass."

I shake my head, a bitter chuckle escaping. 

"well to answer your question, none, You should know I'm good enough at my job to know how to escape a fucking prison when I'm put in one"

He shrugs, looking out into the distance  "Call it what you want. " 

"Is that not what it is?" I counter standing up

I look down to his hand and see the gun pointed to the ground and I roll my eyes.

"you fucking disrespected me" He spits

"and somehow that turned you on?" I tilt my head and smirk. 

He laughs at my response, the sound more like a bark than anything.

He really is a dog.

"you know I really wonder sometimes, why it is that you hate me but then I realise I couldn't give less of a fuck" he continues

I don't reply to that.

"why did you follow me here?" I demand

"To take you back to your fathers" the words come as a threat and I take a step back


"What" It isn't a question

"I spoke to my dad, you were right, we can do the job without you, and if I return you now, your dad will be distracted enough in the past hour for us to take what we need and I'm sure you will take the pleasure in killing him yourself"

"so all those weeks staying there were for nothing?" 

My father will make my life a living hell. Especially after all of this.


"no, now I got to see you in action, I know your weaknesses and I also know that being back with your father will torture you much more than living in my house will"

"You got what you wanted" He turns around 


This was an extremely small chapter, but I wanted to put something out,

 hope you enjoyed!

word count:1021

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