Chapter 30

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It's 3 a.m., and sleep remains elusive. The room breathes with the weight of stillness, a stark contrast to the flurry of thoughts darting through my mind. The clock on my nightstand casts a faint green glow, each soft click marking another lost minute.

I don't know what I'm doing with myself.

I've been rotting here for days.

I've completely lost my appetite. All I do is workout, train, sleep, read, repeat.

I have nothing to do. My life is boring.

I'm waiting for answers to come to me but It's never going to work.

I need to get these answers myself and staying here is not going to do that for me.

Here's the thing.

I've had days to think about it, and I need to know the full story. If I'm going to move past everything, I have to.

I shift onto my other side, tangling the sheets further. My pillow, long past its prime, offers little comfort. I close my eyes, trying to slow my breathing, but it only highlights my racing pulse, my shallow breaths.

I let out a frustrated sigh, tossing the covers aside and padding down the hallway and stairs careful to avoid making noise.

It's not like this is my home. I miss the comfort of my and Isabelle's house, the fireplace that pops and the cold marble floor that makes the whole place seem so wide.

The living room greets me in shadow, the furniture casting long, eerie lines across the walls. I sink into the couch, wrapping a throw blanket around me, eyes fixed on the ceiling.

6 days, almost a week with these people and I've never felt more useless.

I rise and shuffle into the kitchen, the tile cold beneath my feet. I put the kettle on, watching the steam rise as it warms, the faint whistle breaking the heavy silence. I pour a cup of chamomile tea.

I walk back to the couch and continue to try and ignore the presence of the guards. God don't people ever get sick of them.

That's when I hear some hushed voices. Why would anyone other than me be up at 3am. Even Isabelle is asleep.

I follow the voices and stop behind the opening wall

It's Zayden and Nicolai.

"We should send her with you-"Nicolai suggests

"No, absolutely not"Zayden's voice echoes cutting him off with absolute certainty

Rude much.

"Don't cut me off like that"Nicolai scolds his son and I grin.

"Ariana get the fuck out of there" Zayden attempts to expose me.

He couldn't actually know I'm here, If he did he would've outed me before, he's guessing, so I need to stay silent.

"No-one is there, stop "Nicolai scolds him again.

I hear footsteps and that's when I come face to face with a very pretty face and a  pair of green eyes that seem to read into my soul.

I smile at him and he grabs my arm dragging me out from behind the door.

Nicolai looks at me unimpressed and I wave at him after I put my tea onto the table.

"So where am I being sent?"I ignore the fact that I was just caught eavesdropping and involve myself in their conversation.

"To Russia with Zayden"Nicolai says to Zayden not even me.

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