Chapter 14

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Well to say I'm disgusted would not be accurate enough to describe the way I want to murder that mother fucker.

He attacked his daughter with a bat. A metal fucking bat the pig that he is.

Trust me I am no fan of Ariana but that is sick.
Though that's rich coming from me, I did drown the girl in petrol.

But that is besides the point.

He's embarrassed of her ,ashamed. if I stole Giovanni's shipments my father would praise me not fucking torture me.

But then again my dad isn't a whimpering coward.

I look down at the girl whimpering in my arms, her brown hair knotted and covering her face.
She's hurt, badly and although she has done a lot to test me I'm not going to add to her pain no matter the fact she stole millions worth of money, besides I don't think she can even breathe properly right now.

Shit she probably has a few broken ribs.
I walk down the front steps of her father's home and kick the dead guards out of my way.

Her brother is currently asleep , unaware of what just happened and it will stay that way.
Though I doubt that friend of hers will back off.
If needed I'll take her too.

I place her in my passenger seat and buckle her in. She has no fight left to argue with me.

"Yes" I answer the incoming call from my father after I begin the drive back to my home.

"Did you find her" he sounds exhausted
"She's here, on the verge of going unconscious " I answer my jaw tensing when I remember the state I found her in.

"What the fuck did you do" my dad grits the words out.
Such trust and optimism in me.

"I didn't do anything" I seethe

"Just get back quick" and with that he hangs up on me.

I slam my hands on the wheel, an agitated groan leaving my lips.

Ariana turns to her side curling herself into a ball as she attempts to put pressure on the bruises with her hands, she's trying to hide it.
That's not going to help.

"Stop that" I tell her making sure my voice doesn't come off as rude.

She freezes, no longer moving her hands to the pain.

This isn't going to look good and if people find out I'm in trouble.

It's a one hour drive back to my house, this is going to be a long fucking drive.
We finally make it to my place and Ariana's fallen into an uncomfortable sleep, her breathing is ragged and uneven.

My mother comes running to the car the second I pull into the long driveway.

" what happened" she looks shocked, her voice assertive as she analyses Ariana.

"She took our shipments, I went to Giovanni's to talk to him only to find him hitting her with a metal bat in his basement."

"эта сука" she whispers under her breath scared to wake her up.
I brush my fingers through my hair and let out a long breath.

" go open the door for me so I can get her inside, tell fyodor to get a room and bath ready for her"
My mother nods her head and rushes inside.
I lean down to Ariana,

"пойдем, принцесса"(let's go princess)
I unbuckle her seat and hoist her up in my arms.

I think I like her most when she's asleep, that way she won't bicker with me for no reason.
She would look peaceful if that grimace wasn't there. But the pain must be excruciating.

I take her into the house and fyodor leads me to the bath he prepared for her.
My mom is at my back the whole time and my father meets us in her room.

"Your mother told me what happened, what do you plan to do with her now?" He questions me
My plans for her haven't changed, she will help me, but I won't put her in the action she will just instruct.

" she is still the heir to the Italian mafia, she will keep her priorities straight there while working with us to put her father back in hell" I explain

My parents nod in response.
Giovanni has always been a sensitive subject when it comes to my mother.

He raped her when she was pregnant with my older brother , she had a miscarriage and later had me.

Thought my father was old friends with him, his hate grew greater than anything they ever shared.
And the things he did to turn the story and make the others believe he had reason to hate us instead are vile.
He is a narcissistic psychopath.

And if I was given the chance to tear his soul from his body I would do it with pleasure.
But Ariana doesn't know anything. She only blames us.

But I suppose it's not her fault when you have a sick fucker like that spinning lies all your life.

" I'm going to leave her here for you to deal with mum, call me if you need me"
She nods at me and my father leaves with me.

My mum might hate her father but she doesn't hate Ariana. How could she when she doesn't even know her?
That's what she said to me after the first time she saw her.
Of course she scolded me for what I did to her but it wasn't like she wasn't unsure of her either.

The second my mum saw her in our kitchen she was in shock, she felt threatened and worried of what she would do since she had never known her, let alone seen her so it was no surprise when she put up a front.

But that will change.
Now that she has seen what her father has done .

You would think we have ice in our veins for what we do, sometimes I think it to , I expect it to melt one day, but it never will. It will only get colder and colder.
Word count:1016

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