Chapter 39

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I wake up in someone else's bed.


I jump up and look at the man who is asleep next to me. No this isn't happening. I cannot do this.

He kissed me. He really really kissed me.

Then we came back here and feel asleep.

But I can't do this. I cannot be with someone.

I shouldn't like the fact he kissed me.

In the end we are both only going to get hurt.

I get off the bed and walk to my room. I need to take a shower.

I make sure the water is cold before I step into the shower and let the water run over my body.

It's a quick shower because i don't need to do my hair and I'm out within 15 minutes, changing into some low rise black jeans and a black shirt.

I style my hair and then drench myself in some perfume before I leave the room.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a pastry from the plate on the bench.

I take a bite from it and turn on the kettle to make myself some tea.

I walk over the cupboard where I've learnt  the tea is kept and grab it leaving it in a cup and waiting for the kettle to finish boiling my water.

I hear footsteps rush down the stairs and I turn around to find Zayden still in his pyjama pants and his hair messy. Why is he not wearing a shirt.

He gives me a confused look.

It takes all my power to tear my eyes away from him but I do and turn back around.

 " Is everything alright?" He asks me as if something wrong.

The thing is, I don't know if somethings wrong. I don't know if all of this is wrong. If that kiss was wrong.

If he was just trying to distract me or if he really meant it or if he was just messing with me.

I don't know.

But I don't say this, instead I answer with a nod of my head, still not turning around.

"Can we talk?" he asks me his voice almost pleading

I turn around and look at him.

" about what?" I ask and I wish I didn't

I know how stupid this is.

I know this is a shitty move. 

His face drops.

"You're joking right" the words come out of his mouth flat 

I shrug my shoulder and turn around but he pull me back around.

"You don't get to do that, you don't get to kiss me then act like nothing happened and go back to pretending you hate me" His words are rushed 

"If I remember correctly you are the one who kissed me" I correct him

"It's not a fucking competition" He raises his voice and lets go of me.

I don't respond.

"Whatever" He scoffs and walks away and I'm grateful he leaves.


We are both stuck in this house alone and I'm trying my best to avoid him.

There's nothing for either of us to do today.

I could watch a movie, but then I would feel like I'm wasting my day.

I could sit at my favourite place, but there's not really anything I can do there.

I could train, but I'm so sick of it.

I just want to go out. 

I want to see this place .

I walk to the corridor and look at the car keys placed on a glass table.

I'm leaving this house.

I grab the key to Zayden's motorcycle and exit the front door.

I walk on the gravel driveway looking for his bike and once I do, I run over to it.

" Going somewhere?" Zayden's' voice reaches me from the front door and I look at him as he walks towards me

Oh my god.

" Yes and don't try to tell me its not safe for me to be out alone" I warn him

He stares at me blankly and I wish he didn't look at me the same way he did when we first met.

"I wan't going to, you can go get yourself killed for all I care, just make sure you don't ruin my bike" He looks at me as if I'm stupid for assuming he would care for what I do.

He can go fuck himself.

I put on the helmet and sit on the bike turning it on.

I look at him again before I drive out of the premises and onto the street. 

I don't even know where I'm going.


I drive for an hour around the city until a small shop catches my attention.

I park the bike and walk up the sidewalk until I reach its door and walk through.

It's a bookstore, a cute little store will walls lined with books and a white ladder that reaches the roof. 

The second I walk in the smell of old pages envelopes my senses.

I smile at the little old man who sits at the counter and he smiles back as I walk towards the first isle.

I'm surprised this place is empty.

I look through the books and walk through the different isles before something catches my eye.

Its a book on the highest shelf, just barely within reach. I stretch up on my toes and gently pull it down, feeling the weight of it in my hands.

As I flip through the pages, I see delicate handwritten notes in the margins. The words are in an elegant script.

It's a copy of Wuthering heights.

I find a cozy corner with a chair and sit down. The old man occasionally glances my way, a knowing smile on his face, as if he's seen this scene play out many times before.

After what feels like an hour, I finally close the book. I walk up to the counter, the book still in my hands.

"How much for this one?" I ask

The old man looks at the book and then at me, his eyes twinkling. "That one's not for sale, you picked that up from the category of borrowing books " he says softly. 

I look back at where I grabbed the book from and on the wall there's a sign that says "borrowing". 

"It's okay, I finished it anyways" I place the book on the counter, exiting the store with one thing on my mind.


word count:1025

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