Chapter 32

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We talked.
We talked the entire flight.
It wasn't hard to keep the conversation going, seeing she was more than willing to rid herself of boredom.

I love the way she was speaking to me, but I hate the way I love it.

I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

But I love the way it is as if she could never run out of conversation, the way her eyes light up when she would speak about something she is really passionate about.

I asked her about what she thought about her current arrangements.

She got a little mad, not mad actually, more agitated and confused as to why I was asking.

She explained that she was grateful but conflicted, she's always known to hate us and now she has no reason to.

I was shocked by how honest her answer was.

Yet I understand that, more than she expects me to.

She currently walks behind me, following me to the car that waits for us. I look back at her, she is shivering and her hair is blowing out of her face. She looks like she's freezing to death. I guess she has never experiences winter in Russia.

I wait for her at the car door and she fights a smile before getting into the car.

She sighs in relief at the temporary warmth and I sit next to her.

"I didn't think it would be this cold" She sounds as if she wants to scold herself for not knowing.

I laugh," It's alright you will get used to it"

She gives me an unassured glance and removes her hands from around her body sinking into the leather seats.

" Do you hate me", She asks the question quickly, suddenly.

I was not expecting that.

"I did, for a while" I answer without hesitation look at her

"Same" She shrugs her shoulders as if almost expecting that answer but just needing that reassurance

"You hated yourself for a while too?" I tease her

She rolls her eyes.


"No, well.. that's not what I meant and you know it" She looks at me like she did when she held a knife to my throat.

God I miss that.

I shrug my shoulders at her, something she apparently hates and look out the window.

That's when I see a motorbike stalking us.

It hides behind a passing car and then reappears and that's when I catch sight of the machete in hanging off them.

"Igor to our left" I inform the driver my voice full of command.

He nods his head and Ariana gives me a curious look, moving her head to try and look out of the window. She cannot see anything from her side, so she literally pounces over me and tries to see from my window.

"Are you done being nosy" I raise an eyebrow at her

She moves back to her spot and shrugs her shoulder.

"Should I be concerned?"Her eyebrows furrow as she suddenly becomes very serious. It's a funny expression she makes, almost cute even, I don't think I can ever take her seriously to be honest.

"If I'm not you shouldn't be" My response only raises more questions which I can see has obviously has from the way she bites her bottom lip, eyebrows still furrowed.

"No, you should not be worried Valenci" I tease her with her last name

She slowly moves to look out the window before her head quickly snaps towards me.

"What did you just say" She shakes her head as if she heard me wrong.

"You shouldn't be worried?" I play with her and a frown is suddenly plastered on that mesmerising face of hers.

"No, after that" She explains.

"Valenci, you mean?" I drive her a smug grin and she looks at me with horror.

"When the fuck have you ever called me that, Valenci, you want formalities now?" She repeats her last name with a sarcastic manner, rambling her words. This is hilarious.

I bite back my laugh.

"I called you that just a few seconds ago" I ignore the rest of her question

"Sure Olezka"   She rolls her eyes at me and turns back to the window.

I freeze at her calling me by my last name.The way the word rolled off her tongue.  I like hearing my actual name come out of her mouth much more.


We are 30 minutes into the one hour drive back to our place here when I receive the clarification that the guy on the motorbike is one of ours.

Of course I scolded whoever dispatched him seeing that his gun was out in the open for all to see. Sometimes I seriously question the people I work with.

I look to my right where Ariana tries her hardest not to fall asleep.

I don't blame her.

She yawns and moves her head onto the window, cursing under her breath when we hit a pothole and her head hits into the window. She rubs her head and groans suddenly very awake.

That's all it takes for me to  let out a low laugh, the sound making my chest shake.

She looks at me perplexed and rolls her eyes again.

"he's lucky I don't take out my dagger" She grumbles rearranging her position so she sits up straight and I pretend to not hear what she just said.

Back to threats

"you can sleep once we get there" she cuts me a glare as if I've said something wrong

"Why can I not sleep now?" She challenges her eyes glistening.

those damn eyes.

I laugh at her again, " do you  want to have a sore neck?"

"yes, yes I do" the words are snarky and quick out of her mouth, the only reason for her response being that i'm the person asking.

"you seriously need to watch the way you speak" I reply suddenly serious, but I couldn't give less of a fuck of how she talks to me.

As long as she talks to me.

" How else would you expect me to talk to an egotistical bitch?" She bats her eyelashes at me

I give her a sarcastic laugh and ignore her.

20 minutes left. 20 minutes left, I remind myself.

20 minutes.


After the next few weeks I'm going to try and be more regular with updates. Butttt, I hope you all liked this chapter! Im really trying to build their relationship and If you guys have any suggestions let me know. 

Word count:1030

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