Chapter 23

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It doesn't take long for me to get ready, and it takes even a shorter amount of time for us to get there.

I get out the car, taking my mum hand and meeting my father to the door of the building.

We walk through and I see her before I see anything else in the room.

Almost immediately my eyes are on a pretty black lace dress. She is up in the corner speaking to my mums friend and lucky for me we are heading over there now.

 I knew it was her from the moment I walked in. That strong posture she refuses to break ,and brown hair that she now has in waves deceiving everyone from that curly pattern. One week has been two long. I'm sure she has missed me.

We walk up to them and there's a light tension I can't place. I stand back with my father as my mother goes to hug the woman and Ariana's eyes widen in surprise. 

Never fear. Not from her.

She smiles at my mother, gently trying to be polite and she does so back. 

"Oh Ariana, you must meet Zayden, he is absolutely lovely" Braelyn claps her hands together and I begin to turn around to escape this encounter, but instead my dad laughs at me and holds me in place gently.

" we... have met" Ariana tells her, being careful with her tone.

She really does look good in black, but I would rather see her in a dark, deep navy colour, red even or silver seeing that she always wears that coloured jewellery.

Not that my opinion on that matter would influence her.

She hates me.

I'm not saying I don't hate her. But I am. With her it was never about hating her, it was always about hating her father. I couldn't care less about the things we have done to each other in the month, I got what I needed and now she is just another person.

I know she doesn't think the same.

I know she probably, most likely still hates me deep down but is trying to convince herself otherwise because she doesn't have the energy nor time to put up with my "bullshit" as she calls it.

I give her a sarcastic smile and leave.

This time I'm not bothered for bullshit.

I walk towards the small bar and take a seat on the bench. In all honestly, I'm shocked everyone is in here getting along. Seeing that some people can't hold their tongue or their temper the lack of clashing is alarming to me.

I take the drink offered to me.

I look back, and Ariana seems to be speaking to my mother in deep conversation. What they're talking about I have no idea, but she has my mums full attention and that, that is worrying. 

I stand up and walk back over to them seeing that Braelyn has moved along.

I don't particularly dislike her, It's just her happiness and joyous way of being agitates me. 

My mother has a concerned look on her face and I stand behind her. 

"But your husband... he killed her?" Ariana's voice is laced with a hint of accusation as she absently picks at her nails.

"You would have to be more specific on who, that is what he does for a living" I interrupt, unable to resist provoking her. My mother jabs me with her elbow and steps on my shoe with her heel in response.

I offer a nonchalant shrug, and Ariana barely restrains herself from lashing out.

"She was my best friend. No matter what, I'd never allow anyone, especially my husband, to erase her from my life," My mum asserts, her words heavy with conviction. 

That's who they're talking about? Her mum? She died what?11 years ago?

Why is this still a fucking topic?

This time I keep silent, and Isabelle must've spotted us because she beings to head over.

She rests a hand on Arianas shoulder and smiles warmly.

"But then who the fuck killed her, because no offence I fucking hated your family for that, loathed them, I was going to bomb you guys or some shit, but he never let me.... he never let me"She begins to draw her own conclusion becoming flustered, I can see it in the way her eyebrows furrow slightly.

I laugh, she was going to bomb us? Going to try and kill us? 


But right now she's going to do something stupid.

"Lying little son of a bitch" She breathes out in disbelief

That's when she leaves us and my mum becomes seriously concerned.

"Go after her" She tells me


"I'm not giving you a choice"

I roll my eyes and walk after Isabelle and Ariana. It's when I see her approaching her dad that makes me run after her.

She pulls him aside, and doesn't even wait before she punches him in the face.

That would've hurt.

But she doesn't just stop there,I walk up to them, letting her get a few hits in to calm her down and then after a bit I approach. 

I grab her arm and she looks up at me, a certain rage in here eyes that I don't think I've ever seen before.

"Let go" she doesn't even try fighting me off, she knows it's no use.

" I don't think you would want to get blood on that pretty dress Дорогой" 


Here's another <3

Let me know what you guys are thinking about the book so far !

word count:890

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