Chapter 31

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We leave for Russia in 1 hours.

The jet is already prepared.

I feel a sort of remorse for Ariana. She needs to leave her brother again, leave Isabelle again and go to a new country.

I don't think she knows why we are going there, or that we will be staying there.

Her father has sent out a prize of $5 million for whoever can get her to him. Of course he, the weak bastard doesn't have the ability to get her himself for whatever reason.

Personally I think she is with much more than $5 million but it's not like her father ever really recognised how valuable she is .

But she cannot know.We are taking her there until everything calms down. My father and I will continue to run the Mafia and I will complete some business there with her company.

The other day when she found that paper my heart literally stopped. I thought she had read it, the way she was standing there.
I didn't know what to do.
But because god was somehow on my side, I got it off her before she could read anything fatal.

I'm taking it with me too. I don't know who will go snooping in my room when I'm gone so it's better I take everything I need with me.

I'm conflicted.
I don't know how to feel about Ariana.
I have no way to feel anything for her.
I don't particularly hate her anymore but I don't like her per se .
I've gone through this in my mind a million times but I can never come to a conclusion.

Do I tolerate her, not that there's much to tolerate, like her, or hate her.
It can't be the latter, I'm so sick of hating her.
But I don't want to fall into the trap of liking or warming up to anyone.

Especially not her.
But I'm tempted, so fucking tempted because there's this thing about her.
This depth to her eyes, and this charisma to everything she does and I want to drown in it.

I want to memorise someone's smile, I want to memorise her smile.

But how could I? How could I like her?
Hell how could she like me?

Maybe I'm overthinking this.

It is what it is.

I look towards my window staring outside only to see her .

Her dark hair reflects the light from the sun. Her skin almost glowing as a smile overtakes her features.

She is with her brother walking in the backyard.

Isabelle slowly walks up to them and Dion walks away after she says something.

I turn away walking downstairs to get her.

It's time for us to go anyways.

Ariana's pov

I always get to travel overseas for missions. But I've never been for my own enjoyment.
I wouldn't say that is what this is, but I will not have to engage in any bloodshed while I'm there.

I never thought I would think this but I'm so tired of killing people.

I've realised lately that I'm so consumed by all the death around me I sometimes begin to forget about all the life surrounding me.

People are dead yes; but people are also living.

I want to live.

I look over at zayden who sits in the seat opposite me.

I will never cease to be blown away by how fucking good looking he is.

I actually make myself laugh thinking about it.

Of course the one person I could probably never have , I probably don't want to have is the only person I've ever found myself drawn to.

But he hates me, so of course I have to hate him.

It's not a hard thing to do.

My ears are blocked from the pressure of being up so high, my boredom growing with every minute.

But I feel a type of way I haven't in a long time.

For once I don't actually have anything to worry about.

I don't need to worry about Dion or Isabelle , they are safe.

I don't need to worry about work, I'm away.

All I have to care about is myself.

That may seem selfish and wrong of me but I'm relieved.

" are you going to continue staring at me like a creep ?" Zayden interrupts my thought

I hadn't realised I was still looking at him.
Fuck that's embarrassing.

I roll my eyes and turn my head to look out of the window.

He hums in satisfaction . Satisfied from what I have no idea.

" are you just going to stay silent the entire time, how are you not bored?" I complain looking back at him.

His eyes snap back to me and I feel the need to look away.

But I don't.

" don't you have your phone or a book or something to keep you occupied?" He asks me

I'm taken aback by the fact there was no sarcasm in his tone at all.

" no because my phone is dead and I didn't think to bring a book" I reply

" I thought you loved to read" he tilts his head to the side in a questioning manner.

" I do , but its not the only thing on my mind" I answer him

He nods his head.

Okay what does someone say to that?
I give him a confused look.

This bitch is confusing.

He turns off his phone and puts it down.

" so what do you want to talk about " he almost cringes at himself.

" don't even , i hate it when people ask that"

" people ask you that a lot?" He smiles

" no but i hate that question, like what do you expect me to say" I laugh

God I just laughed in-front of him.

" I don't expect you to say anything, just talk to me" he shrugs his shoulders , his eyes focused on me

And for once I don't hate the idea of speaking to him, I don't hate the idea of being around him.
I mean it is a 9 hour flight.

Just talk to him.

I can do that right .

Just talk to him.
Word count:1020

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