ch 3

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"Jin." Y/n softly called out to him, "Have you been applying something on your face?"

Jin's face quickly lightened up and he nodded. "Yes your highness...I have been preparing for our wedding so I got myself this special cream that helps with a soft glow on face. Do I look pretty enough for your eyes?"

"You have always been, Jin." Y/n added as she softly looked up at Jin.

The marriage rituals of Seodong were surprisingly simple. There were only 3 rituals that the founder of the dynasty proposed. It was the same for all; commoners, nobles, and even royalty. Thus preparation was also minimal.

"Will I be the only one?" Jin asked. Y/n looked at him softly before answering, "Maybe yes maybe no. Depends on me." Y/n added making Jin look away. He tried to hide his already blurring eyes with tears. "I...I will go fetch you some water your highness!" Jin added and stood up before leaving Y/n alone.

Y/n's eyes followed his figure till he disappeared and sighed. Suddenly a horn broke throw the silence and Y/n saw a secret messenger entering the residence. "All hail, princess. I have a message for you." the woman kneeled as she held up the scroll.

"Dismissed." Y/n opened the scroll before the messenger stood up and bowed. The scroll was from the foreign minister. She had written that Y/n must go to the neighboring country and sign a peace treaty with them after her coronation.

"What is it your highness?" Jin asked as he held the tray with a glass of water. "I must go to Kimseong. Minister Oh is suggesting a peace treaty signing after my coronation and wedding." Y/n answered. "Oh isn't it one of the country ruled by men? So odd." Jin asked.

"Not only that, they always seem to have a cold war with us! Such unruly and messy men. It's women who rule, women who fight while men take care of their skin and children. They seem to not know that women hold true power!" Jin added with frustration.

"And their crown prince, oh god! Such an arrogant man! He paints his own image! He doesn't even know how to raise a sword! Such an irony my princess, he acts like a man from our land but still stays on the other side of the border." Jin said and chuckled. "Never thought you would know so much about Kimseong, Jin." Y/n commented.

"Well, a man should keep his gossips up to date my princess." Jin said as he smiled cutely.


"Wait a second first king are telling me that Queen actually used to have such light hearted and sweet conversations with you?" Yoongi gasped as he asked Jin.

"Yes, King Yoongi. My queen has always been an elegant and just individual to me. The only times she hurt me was when she would marry other kings. It was hard to accept that I was not the only man she owned. But it was for the better ultimately." Jin answered.

"The dragon queen of Seodong is known for being a tyrant, power hungry and cruel lady. Moreover she has given me only pain. Are you sure just is the word fit to describe her?" Yoongi asked with a bitter tone.

"For sure King Yoongi." said second king as he arrived out of no where from behind.

"She is the most humanly powerful person I have ever seen and loved...despite thinking I hated her at first" Second king added.

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