Ch 22

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That day the queen parted with a smile to Seokjin's room where she found it was empty. "Where is Seokjin?" I asked the guard who was guarding his room. 
"It's been an hour since first king left his room. He hasn't returned since your highness." she replied back. 

My eyes narrowed wondering where is Seokjin. I approached Maya who was discussing some town matters with the other nobles and asked her the same. "My deepest apologies your highness but I haven't seen him anywhere." she replied. 

"Oh okay." I added and was about to leave when Maya suddenly reminded me, "Your highness today there have been some disputes with Town A. Some rouge witch is on loose and sexually abusing many unmarried men. Those men then suicide since no woman will marry them now. There have been 8 cases already." She added. 

"My dear goddess that's ruthless. If she is so thirsty for men then she can very well visit the prostitutes! Why tarnish the image of dignified men." I replied back with full attention on the said matter. "Yes my queen that's the problem. We tried to send our women there but we haven't been able to catch her." Maya added. 

"Alright. Do I have any other important matters for the next 2 days?" I asked. "No your highness. Nothing that requires your urgent assistance or permission." Maya answered. 

"Alright Maya, call over my dressing stylist. I need a commoner's set of clothing for 2 days." I added. "Y-Your highness you plan to go there?" Maya asked. "Yes of course. I have to protect the men of my country." I replied. "Okay your highness. I will accompany you too." Maya added. "No while I am away I want you to take care of the nation. I trust you the most." I added. "You are much more than just my royal guard. You are also the daughter of the highest noble, you also supervise all the work done under my supervision. Only you know a great deal about Seodong after me."  I answered back placing my hand on her shoulders. "You will do it." "As you wish, your highness." she added without any hesitation. 

"I will take my husbands too. Send them official note while I manage some other work in the court." I instructed one guard who quickly nodded and left for work. 

After a few hours my guards found an empty house and important material for sustainability. 5 supreme spies and guards will also be with me who will be with me.  However they will be spread out so as to not attract attention that we are not commoners. 

As I was ready I saw Taehyung and Seokjin in commoner's cloths. As soon as they reached I reached out to Seokjin and caressed his cheeks. "Where were you today?" I whispered at him. "I apologize to cause you worry your highness. I was at the lavender park today. I didn't realize when sleep overcame me and by the time I returned you were busy with other work. I should've been more careful." He apologized with a sad and depressed face. I gently held his hand while saying, "No it's okay. Once we return you shall play your piece for me." He added. 

He nodded softly but didn't look up at me. After we departed, Taehyung slowly crept close to me and secretly held my hand. I smiled up at him before looking at Seokjin who was looking outside the carriage with a gloomy look. He was also sitting further away. I wanted to question him but since Taehyung was near I realized now is not a good time. After we reached Seokjin slowly went to work as he placed his luggage in the rooms. 

"First king." I called out surprising Seokjin enough to stop. I walked up to him and slowly hugged him from behind kissing his shoulder. "What has been bothering you my dearest?" "My apologizes for being rude but do you really think I am your dearest?" He asked. I pulled away and turned him around. "You are my first love." I added. "And you are my only love." He added my narrowed eyes widened as my mouth slightly fell open.

"I was okay with sharing you my queen. I had made up my mind that someday second king will fall for your strength and charm. However you gave our time to him? T-That was our time but you went to him. Am I not worthy to be your priority my queen." Seokjin asked with a sad face. 

I raised my hands to caress his cheeks. "It was important that day Seokjin. I have married Taehyung. I have taken the responsibility to protect and love him. It's painful for you but I must give him his share of attention." Seokjin looked away and gently pulled away from my touch. 

"May I ask for something my queen?" He asked and I nodded. "What do you want? I will give it to you if I can." "Could you give me the promise to not visit my room till I permit." My eyes widened and I walked back a step. 

"Can I get some days away from you. I love you a lot my queen. More than anyone in this world. But I must learn to accept that you can never be just mine. I must learn to let go my addiction. My addiction of you." Seokjin requested. For the first time in years I almost got watery eyes. 

But I turned away before he could witness it. I wiped away the one drop that coated my eye before adding, "Is this your final request?" "Yes your highness, I request you to fulfill your promise." "Is this your way of rebelling against me for betraying you? Well I am the queen of this nation Jin. I can and will marry more men. But that will never make me love you any less. So I will fulfill your request."  With that the queen left Seokjin all alone. 

Seokjin finally let go of tears. 

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