𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓲𝔁: 𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓶𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓯 𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓷

527 15 5

𝚂𝚃𝚆: 𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐
≡;- ꒰ °𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓶𝔂 𝓟𝓞𝓥 ꒱
Me and Wilbur have been randomly searching for a 5'5 guy for I don't know how long!
We asked Lani to search for her fucking brother, she's busy dancing with a random guy like for fuck sake where is he?

"Tommy this is literally your fault"
"Dude it's not my fault that you and me started bickering shits"
"Oh no no don't dude me your the one who called my boyfriend schupid"
"Oh don't start that please"
" Well then we can't start bickering here now we have to- oh there he is"

I turned around to see Tubbo walking towards us.

"Sorry about Tommy but where were you?"
"At the balcony I met some weird looking guy"
"Youf saw a weird lofing kay?"
"Dude why moving your mouth so sudden?"
"What did you-"

All of us looked at her with a 'ma'am shut the fuck up will you" expression but really she does need to shut up.

"That cute guy ju-"
"Lani no one cares about your lucky man your dancing with"
"Well have you found someone yet?"
"He did found a weird looking guy according to him"
"Oh I'm sure he's nice right Tubbo?"
"Shut the fuck up"
"Wow rude I'm trying to be nice here"
"Your not trying to be nice your being annoyingly schupid"
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are you prick"

They continuously just bickering for I don't even know how long probably until the ball is over.
Tubbo mentioned about a guy though, a weird looking guy.
I mean it's not my business but I'm quite interested on who that 'weird' looking guy so I'm about to search for this man until Wilbur stopped me, fuck no.

"Where are you going mister Tommyinnit?"
"I'm going somewhere real quick"
"Not without me Tommy"
"Wilba I'm not 5 years old I can take care of myself y'know?"
"Yes I know but what if we lost you just like how we lost Tubbo in the crowds"
"Hey why calling me short I'm only a few inches shorter than you"
"Okay okay jesus christ don't put your face near me"
"Not until you let me go"
"Ew Tommy are you going to kiss your own brother or something"

Everyone went silent when Tubbo said that like ew dude what the fuck are you thinking, does this man have braincells or have they already died.

"Tubbo are you out of your fucking min- HEY TOMMY!"

I ran out of the ballroom just to find that man whilst Wilbur literally chasing me like a fucking marathon.
I ran from area to area just to find where this man and there the backyard where I haven't checked yet and he has to be in here.
I have to check from behind to see if this bfg man (Wilbur) is still behind me, no? perfect just like me!
I entered myself outside and bam found some guy watching flowers dancing to the left, to the left, to the right, to the right.
He looks quite weird if you can ask me.
He has both black and white appearance and hair, wearing a suit of course since it's the ball, two different coloured eyes, one green and one red with a crown on his head, must be a prince from somewhere, he's probably from the Nether or End either one of those but he's definitely the one that Tubbo was talking about, well not really much but still!
I looked back once more to see if that big foot man is behind me, no? again perfect but if he's not the one that Tubbo was talking about then I just ran out of the ball for absolutely no reason.
I walked up, very eargerly to talk to this man.

"Hey there! what are you doing here?"
"⎍⊑⋔ ⊑⟟?"

Oh great he speaks another language

"Oh sorry!"
"Oh no it's alright and uhm so what are you doing out here"
"Uhm to chill for a moment"

I kneeled next to him to join him watching flowers

"Hey! What's your favourite flower?"
"Uhm I'll say alluim"
"Yeah it's also my favourite flower as well"
"Oh nice"
"At least you know how to talk to a man Tommy"

I looked to see bfg here, hey at least I talked to the guy, oh wait.

"Uh I should be going now but I forgot to ask what your name is by the way"
"Ranboo, unique name I'm Tommy"
"Ok enough of the talk lets go Tommy"
"Fine Wilbur but at least I made a friend bye Ran!"

Me and Wilbur walked back into the L'manburg castle and Wilbur turned to his left leaving me a death stare, oh well stair way to my death people wish me luck!

"Tommy just what the hell do you think you ran off just to talk to this man"
"What! he's not that bad, besides he's cool!"
"Whatever just shut up"
"You shut up smackhead"

We continued our way back to the ballroom yet again.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
860 words

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