8. Good Luck Charm

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Exile // Jory Cassel (1) is out now! 

 'Be welcome! I know many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at the fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news... that I am happy to share Queen Aemma has begun her labors!' Viserys declared and the stadium erupted in cheers and applause. 'May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!' They continued to cheer, the horses neighing, galloping into position. Viserys sat back down next to his sister looking over at the seat where his daughter should be.

'She was probably studying.' Avalon offered and Viserys gave her a pointed look. 'She will be here.' Avalon assured.

'I'm surprised that you are not smelling of dragon smoke.' Viserys remarked.

'today is important to you, I came cleanly.' Avalon told him with a smirk.

'I thank you for it.' Viserys told her as Rhaenyra tried to sneak down to her seat.

'I found her.' Avalon whispered. Viserys pressed a kiss to her cheek as she looked at the competitors.

'Perhaps a match for your sister?" Otto suggested. 'she is well of age, these contenders would all love to win the princesses hand.' Otto assured quietly and Viserys looked over at Avalon clapping politely as the men were introduced.

'No.' Viserys told him with finality. Otto leaned back in his chair. When the king said no it was best not to push.

'A mystery knight?' Rhaenyra questioned her guard, ser Harrold.

'No, a Cole, of the Stormlands.'

'I've never heard of House Cole.' Rhaenyra admitted.

'Princess Rhaenys Targaryen!' Boremund Baratheon came up to the viewing box. 'I would humbly ask for the favor of "The Queen Who Never Was." He declared and the crowd cheered happily.

'Good fortune to you, cousin.' Rhaenys said coming up to him and dropping her crown on his jousting spear.

'I would gladly take it if I thought I needed it.'

'You could have Baratheon's tongue for that.' Otto remarked softly to Viserys

'Tongues will not change the succession. Let them wag.' Viserys assured as Avalon grabbed his hand.

'The people love you, there is no need for violence.' Avalon assured Otto. 'Baratheon's are nobody's anyway. Who would listen to a Baratheon?' Avalon teased lightly. Viserys smiled down at his sister.

'See? If Avalon says so its fine.' Viserys agreed.

'Lord Stokeworth's daughter is promised to that young Tarly squire.' Alicent told Rhaenyra as the rider approached.

'Lord Massey's son?' Rhaenyra questioned.

'Mm-hm.' She agreed 'They're to be married as soon as he wins his knighthood.'

'Best get on with it.'

'I heard that Lady Elinor is hiding a swollen belly beneath her dress.' Rhaenyra remarked with a smirk. 'What do you know about this Ser Criston Cole, Ser Harrold?'

'I'm told Ser Criston is common-born, son of Lord Dondarrion's steward. But other than that, and the fact that he's just unhorsed both of the Baratheon lads, I really couldn't say.' Ser Harrold told her. Drums continued to bang as the crowd cheered, Daemon was up next.

'Prince Daemon of House Targaryen, Prince of the City, will now choose his first opponent!' the master of revels declared as Daemon made his way down the line of contenders. Walking back and forth before settling on his target he pointed his spear at Hightower the smuggest of looks on his face as he moved back.

'For his first challenge, Prince Daemon Targaryen chooses Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown, eldest son of the Hand of the King.' The master of revels declared as the drums picked up their pace with anticipation.

'Otto some competition.' Avalon said sweetly. 'Daemon is going to kick his ass.' Even Avalon's warning sounded sweet coming from her lips. Otto released a tight breath looking down to his son as he went up against Daemon.

'Five dragons on Daemon.'

'Ya!' The horses squealed and shrieked as they set off. The crowd exclaimed with joy as the prince won. Daemon approached the viewing box.

'Nicely done, Uncle.' Rhaenyra said approaching him.

'Thank you, Princess. Now, I'm fairly certain I can win these games, sweet sister. Having your favor would all but assure it.' He winked up at her. Avalon left Viserys side and dropped her flower crown down it spun to his hand.

'You better not lose.' Avalon told him sweetly. 'or I might be considered bad luck.' She called down.

'You my dear are a good luck charm.' Daemon assured blowing her a kiss she smiled turning on her heel and taking her seat. 


As the joust raged on the Queen Aemma was in a different kind of war. Aemma's screams and wails echoed but everyone was having to grand of a time to notice.

'What's happening?' Aemma questioned nervously as she panted for breath.

'The infant is in breech, Your Grace.'

'All attempts to turn the babe have failed.' They told her solemnly so her screams continued she was going to lose another child.

'Do something for her!' Viserys demanded when Mellos told him of Aemma's condition.

'We've given her as much milk of the poppy as we can without risking the child. Your Queen is a strong woman. She's fighting with all her might, but it may not be enough.' 

'Go be with her.' Avalon urged. Viserys pressed a kiss to her head as he got up and left the joust quickly he couldn't lose another chance at a son.

'No!' Aemma screamed out still trying to get the child from her womb.

'Aemma. Aemma... I'm here. I'm here.' Viserys coed coming to her side.

'Help me, please...' Aemma whispered through pained breaths.

'I'm here. It's all right. It's all right.' Viserys coed but men could never understand the pain of labor.

'I don't wanna do this.' Aemma murmured

'You're going to be all right. You're going to be all right.'

The Heir //  King Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now