85. Fall Fast Fall Hard

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Alyssa fell fast and fell hard and within 6 moons they were preparing for a wedding.

Daemon remembered how scared Newt was asking for his blessing he was trembling as Daemon glared back at him but Avalon had to ruin it and hug Newt saying yes with a big smile before she dead panned her hands still gripped tight to his arms. If he ever her baby girl mouse would use him as a chew toy.

The castle was in wedding central for the next moon. Cookies, cakes, all the food tested and prepped and now Avalon and Alicent were onto wedding dresses. Of course her little Alyssa picked a dress with flowers and vines and the drinks, Alyssa squealed when Avalon delivered her rose petals, little mini rose buds encased in an ice cube.

Kaida and draco were grumbling about their eggs needing to hatch and Aemond kept telling them. Just you wait.

"I dont want to wait!" Draco annunciated every word.

"I was 10 when I claimed a dragon." Aemond reminded him.

"Thats so old!" Kaida shouted. The twins had turned three not long after the engagement and were already talking up a storm. Vaera at 2 didnt have much to say besides cookie for me.

ALicent gushed over Alyssa's dress, it made her want to get married. Her dress had little vines and roses stitched into the fabric, if Alyssa didnt want a dress like this they could have gotten married sooner but Daemon wanted Alyssa to have everything her little heart desired. Avalon loved him all the more for it. From food to dress to any little think Alyssa wanted, she got, Avalon wanted her and Newt to have the perfect day, the perfect wedding in hopes for a perfect start to a great life, filled with love. Avalon took her time doing Alyssa's hair and delicate touches of makeup, Alyssa was already so beautiful. Avalon couldnt believe her baby was getting married, it seemed like just yesterday that Avalon was holding Alyssa in her arms. Kissing her goodnight, and tucking her in, now she was to be a married woman. She wondered when Aegon and Aemond would start falling in love, Aegon had a revolving door of first dates but no one special yet. Aemond had a long line of women chasing after him but he still liked his dragon more. Daeron wanted that long line of women to come to him when Aemond turned them down. They didnt.

"Do I look alright?" Alyssa questioned running her hand over her dress again.

"Beautiful." ALicent assured.

"My precious little girl." Avalon coed.

"You think he will like it?"

"You two are perfect together, he will love it, because he loves you." Avalon assured. "I have one more thing, its from Daemon." Avalon added as she attached a butterfly clip to Alyssa's hair. "Perfect." Alyssa touched the clip.

"Dad got this for me?" Avalon nodded. "Its beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it."

Daemon walked Alyssa down the aisle and Davina leaned into Snapper, he smiled up at her. He had been tamed. Davina did it, Avalon knew she could. Snapper loved Davina and tolerated the rest of the world but he hadnt bit anyone in moons. It was a success.

Vaera clapped out the whole wedding, Daemon held Avalon to him kissing her neck. Alicent smiled leaning into Criston slightly, he grabbed her hand and she beamed back at him.

Kaida was playing with her new dress she thought it shimmered and wouldnt stand still. Draco was hypnotized by his twin as she spun around, making herself dizzy while Alyssa felt dizzy with love. Davina leaned forward to Avalon.

"Ive never liked weddings." Davina said softly. "But this one... I like."

"You know Harwin is single if you want three more kids and-" Avalon began. Snapper shook his head. "Snapper doesnt like that idea okay."

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