46. Go Away Otto

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Avalon lay stretched out over Viserys half awake but her eyes still closed begging for more sleep after last night when a knock on the door woke Viserys. Viserys groaned pulling Avalon closer.

"Tell them to go away." Avalon whined rolling over and burying her face in the crook of Viserys arm. He kissed her gently a smile on his face as he looked to the door, another knock.

"Who is it?" Viserys groaned.

"Otto Hightower your grace." Avalon groaned.

"Go away.' she grumbled into the pillows as Viserys got up putting on a robe as he pulled the blankets up over Avalon.

'Come. What is it?' Viserys said impatiently.

'I apologize for the early hour, Your Grace. I have, um... discomforting news. I thought it best shared discreetly before the council convenes.' Otto told Viserys. Viserys sighed but nodded 'The Sea Snake. I'm afraid it concerns the Princess, my King.'

'Has she been harmed?' Viserys questioned and Avalon rolled over clutching the sheets to herself as she sat up in bed.

'It is no easy thing to tell a father of his daughter's exploits. I had considered saying nothing, but...' Otto said hesitantly.

'What has she done?' Viserys demanded

'The Princess was spied last evening... beyond the walls of the Keep... in a pleasure house.' Otto told him. Avalon knew daemon was up to something but she wanted to believe he would be good, she withheld a groan.

'What of it?'

'She was carrying on with her uncle. They were engaged in behaviors unbecoming of a maiden... of a Princess.' Otto informed him.

'What behaviors?'

'Well, must I say it, Your Grace?'

'You enter my bedchamber, accusing my daughter of something. Now speak it... plainly.' Viserys demanded. Avalon couldn't believe her ears. Daemon yes. he was trouble but Rhaenyra... no, surely not.

'Daemon and Rhaenyra were seen together... in the bowels of a pleasure den.' Otto told him and Viserys sighed deeply, Daemon was a thorn in his side. 'Coupling.'

'This is a lie.' Viserys told him with a chuckle, Rhaenyra would never. 'You have been lied to.'

'I only wish that were true, Your Grace.'

'Who is responsible for this gossip? Have this rumormonger brought before me at once. And I will take their eyes.' Viserys told him confidently. Avalon nodded in agreement.

'As your Hand, I must maintain trusted sources of information. And this one, as yet, has never led me astray. And several of the servants have now admitted to seeing her, the Princess... creeping through the gates from King's Landing, disguised as a page during the hour of the owl.' Otto told him victoriously.

'Are you so sick with ambition that you would have my daughter stalked? Spied upon? Awaiting your best chance to destroy her reputation?' Viserys questioned defensively

'I have no such intent, Your Grace.' Otto assured but Avalon scoffed and Otto glanced over at her.

'You think yourself a cunning man. Your designs are obvious. Did you once wish to have your blood on the Iron Throne now that, that is something... quite the thought." Viserys remarked. Otto grit his teeth nervously. "You did, you wished to have your blood on the throne, that will never happen so you are willing to destroy mine own?" Otto's mouth moved wordlessly. "Just get out. Leave me... at once.'

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