66. Go. Stay

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''It's been eight years, sweetling. Half of them never do, you know?'' Laena remarked when she came up to Rhaena turning her dragon egg on the fire.

''What?'' Rhaena asked.


''Will they let me stay?'' Rhaena questioned

''Will who let you stay?''

''The Prince of Pentos.'' Rhaena clarified as she looked away from the fire

''I don't understand.'' lAena said softly.

''He wants you and father... and Baela... 'cause you have dragons.'' Rhaena declared on the brink of tears

''There is more than one way to bind yourself to a dragon. I was without one until I was 15 years old and now I ride Vhagar, the largest in the world. You have a harder road. Baela's dragon was born to her. But if you wish to be a rider, you must claim that right. Your father would tell you the same.'' Laena assured

''Father ignores me.'' Rhaena countered stiffly

''He's doing his best.''


''Laenor has written. Rhaenyra has delivered another son.'' Laena said as she approached Daemon in the tower.

'Does your brother mention if this one also bears a marked but entirely coincidental resemblance to the Commander of the City Watch?'' Daemon said with a chuckle

''He seems to have left that detail out.'' Laena said softly as she sat next to him.

''Mm.'' Daemon agreed, everyone knew of Laenor's activities. It was no shock Rhaenyra's children were black of hair.

''I miss my brother, Daemon. As I think do you." Laena offered

''I miss Westerosi strong wine. It could be depended on for a few hours of peaceful oblivion. This amber shit that they drink here.'' Daemon countered spilling his wine as he got up. "I do miss Avalon." He admitted and Laena's face pinched. She knew when they wed that she was not his first or second choice.

'You laud the virtues of Pentos, but you have no interest in it. If you did, you would venture into the city, but instead, you spend your time here, in the library, reading accounts of the same dead dragonlords whose legacy you claim has no hold on you.'' Laena demanded

''Didn't know I was being so minutely observed.'' Daemon informed her. "if I wanted someone to micro manage my life I would have stayed in kings landing." Daemon mused.

''You do not sleep.'' Laena went on.

''Well, how can I with you haunting my every move?'' Daemon countered glaring back at her. "Avalon used to sing me to and I to her, maybe its your ear pinching voice echoing in my head that I cannot find peace." Laena glared back at him before taking a steading breath.

''Life has, I know, disappointed you.' Laena offered and Daemon chuckled she wasn't his first choice. If he were back at the capital he could convince Avalon... sure he could... but Avalon was always a good girl, she had morals and values. ''Perhaps, I too, am not the wife you would've wished for yourself.''

'Correct." Daemon agreed glancing over at her and she huffed a breath.

''It does not pain me. I have made my peace. But you are more than this, Daemon. The man I married was more than this.''

"You did not know me. You ran away with me because you thought I was handsome." Daemon corrected. "You never knew me. You still don't. you don't understand anything." Daemon informed her. "You chose to leave, to follow, to be good and obedient." He seethed. "That was your mistake. I have always wanted a queen. Someone with fire. But we are two different people. Your waves of water have tried to put out my flame for far too long."

The Heir //  King Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now