75. Queen

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3 moons later

''I swear if you were doing this because you want a crown I'm gonna snap your neck and the children have already lost too much for me to do that don't make me do that.'' Avalon warned.

''Avalon... Shut up.'' Daemon said bringing his lips to hers. She melted into him. ''Better than our first kiss.' He remarked

''My first kiss. What full circle it has been.' Avalon remarked ''you were my first kiss and I hopefully you'll be my last.'' Avalon told him sweetly

''I would like that very much.'' Daemon agreed kissing her again. ''So that's a yes?''

''Yes Daemon. I will marry you.'' Avalon agreed.

She leaned up and kissed him possessively he kissed her back and it was like a dam broke all the barriers gone the heat of his mouth perfectly molding to her skin and she was on fire everywhere that he touched. She moaned Trying to touch every inch of him all at once and a broken whine escaped her as he plunged into a desperate desire for her.

The pace was hard and fast as hitching breaths and moans turned into animalistic roars that started deep in his chest.

His hands and mouth moved uncontrollably over her skin as his thrusts never faltered.

The air was filled with the sound of skin on skin punctuated by the small cries and moans as they lost them selves in one another. She pressed fevered kisses across his throat letting her teeth latch in between the junction of his neck and shoulder. She whined at the emptiness when he pulled away

'I do love when you beg.'' he chuckled. Avalon stared back up at him a smile on her lips as she pulled him back to her. He growled before slamming back into her and she came screaming out his name as her body shattered and then went limp beneath him. He moved his hips once more and came with a roar spilling his seed inside of her. Her walls still fluttering as he leaned down to kiss her tenderly and she reached io to brush his hair behind his ear.

''I love you my queen and I shall prove it to you always.''

''You have nothing to prove.'' she assured. He kissed her over and over again like she was the breath he needed to breath.

Moaning into him, she couldn't control it there was something so intoxicating about Daemon. He whispered my queen in her ear as she clung to him. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning he woke slowly to see her still wrapped around him. He worked his way down her body carefully slipping a hand between her legs to tease her clit with long skilled fingers. He smirked as her hips moved unconsciously in her sleep. He felt her wetness begin to gather and slid a finger into her and he let out a soft groan.

He brought his mouth down giving her clit a gentle lick as his fingers moved inside of her and she let out a moan and he smirked against her. He sucked at the sensitive nub pulling it into his mouth and she woke with a shout at she shattered.


''Good morning darling.'' He said kissing his way up to her lips.

''Oh my Gods!'' she laughed out

''Am I your God will you worship me?'' Daemon asked between kisses

''Yes.'' she agreed. Without another word he plunged inside of her sheathing himself in one fluid moment. She began to whimper as he moved faster and harder fucking her deep into the mattress with a growl.

She moved her mouth wordlessly but he understood as her nails dug into his hips.

He moved faster. Harder. She clung to him as she came again the clenching of her walls around him sent him over the edge as he collapsed on top of her still deep inside of her.

''Good morning to you too'' she said smiling over at him ''you know you can wake me up like that anytime," Avalon assured kissing him again.

"Anything for my queen." 

The Heir //  King Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now