42. I Wish

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"I wish Rhaenyra was here." Avalon whispered down to Alyssa, their newest addition to the family. "She could meet her sister."

"She picked out an egg." Viserys remarked. "Aegon picked a different one though." Viserys added and Avalon looked down to Aegon reaching for Alyssa's hand.

"You think mom would be proud?" Avalon questioned.

"I think she would be proud and honored." Viserys agreed. "She gets to live on, through our daughter... but Alyssa is very lucky to get to know her mother for many, many years to come." Viserys assured kissing her temple. Avalon nodded on the brink of tears.

"So many hormones." Avalon muttered fanning at her eyes. "I swear I cant go a day without leaking."

"Leaking?" Viserys questioned with a laugh.

"Eyes and tits honey." Avalon remarked and Viserys chuckled pulling her into him.

"Ahh yes, eyes and tits." Viserys agreed wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "We make some good looking babies." Viserys remarked.

"We do." Avalon agreed.

"Want to make another?" Viserys questioned and Avalon slapped at his chest.

"No!" She declared with a laugh. "Not now, let me enjoy her."

"Alright," Viserys agreed kissing her neck. "Don't mind me." Viserys told her his hand sliding up her leg. "Enjoy her..."

"Viserys." Avalon moaned leaning into him.


'...the wall Blackhaven are unscalable vassalstone. And the castle is surrounded by a deep, dry moat. It is well fortified against any future Dornish incursions.' Beric Dondarrion began. Rhaenyra sat bored as she was to choose from suitors. The line was endless and the options were still awful. 'And though my seat may be lesser in size, it is situated most pleasingly.' He went on cleaing his throat he moved to pour himself a glass of wine. 'The view across the Marches is inspiring, so said Queen Alysanne herself when she honored my father and I...'

'And tell me, Lord Dondarrion,' Rhaenyra spoke up. 'did you think my great-grandmother as beautiful as they say?'

'This was half a century ago, Princess.'

'Yes, it was.' She agreed and the crowd of spectators laughed in agreement.

'That was unseemly, Princess.'

'The man is older than my father. It's unseemly for him to put himself forward as a contender for my hand.' Rhaenyra corrected her guard. 'Next!' she demanded. 'And now a child.' Rhaenyra shook her head, this was useless.

'The Black woods are an ancient house with a formidable army.' Boremund Baratheon began. He stared up at her hopefully. 'In the River lands, they once ruled as kings. The blood of the First Men still flows in their veins.'

'Go on.'

'My Princess... ours is a bond that has long endured, since Lucas Black wood, the grand sire of my grand sire, aided the Dragon in his war of conquest...' Boremund reminded her.

'Aye, the Black woods truly turned the tide on that one.' One of the men in the crowd shouted and Boremunds confidence flickered as the crowd laughed again

'Coursed with the blood of the First Men, our history is deeply rooted in this land, which your house has made its home. If chosen as your match, Princess... your days shall be easy and nights safe under my protection.' Boremund went on.

"Protection"?' the man spoke up again. 'The Princess has a dragon, you dumb cսոt.'

'Bracken!' he was scolded but he kept on laughing

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