51. Good King

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With a labored breath Viserys stepped out of the carriage only to collapse to the ground.

''Fetch the Maester!'' Harrold shouted.

''Get back.'' Lyonel demanded.

''Get Mellos! Get back!'' Harrold demanded.

'Prepare the crucible. We'll need leeches.'' Mellos remarked. Avalon didn't hear them return, she was playing with her children was Viserys was brought back to his personal chambers. She heard the footfalls of guards and poked her head out.

"Are they back?" Avalon questioned and Harwin nodded. "Could you fetch Ser Criston for me please?" Avalon requested and Harwin nodded heading off. "Thank you Ser." Avalon called after him.

''Ser Criston... you've been summoned.''

''I left the Princess just minutes ago.'' Criston countered

''Not the Princess, ser. The Queen.'' Harwin corrected.

"Ser Criston, Your Grace." A handmaiden said as the door swung open, Criston took cautious steps into the queens chambers.

''That will be all.'' Avalon agreed and placed Alyssa in her crib as Aegon finger painted on the ground. ''I fear I must question you on a, on a delicate matter, Ser Criston.''

''I am your servant as always, my Queen.''

''It concerns our dear Princess Rhaenyra. Please.'' Avalon pat the spot next to her and waited for him to sit next to her. hesitantly he removed his sword from his hip and sat stiffly next to her.

''You are her sworn protector and rightly loyal to her.'' Avalon reminded him.

''I am.'' Criston agreed.

''The night of Daemon's return... there's been a rumor... or rather, the cunt of a man Otto received an accounting of... a lapse of morals that may have occurred between... It is, of course, unthinkable for me to question the virtue of the Princess, whom I hold in highest regard, but, I-I, I did, however, wonder if... I'm not unaware that in flush of youth... there may be errors made...'' Avalon didn't know how to say it but she needed to know the truth. Avalon let out a long sigh as she looked to Criston.

''breaches in resolve, breaches, or rather lapses...'' Avalon went on awkwardly.

''It happened, Your Grace. The sin you allude to. I have committed it. At her instigation, it is true, but that should... It is no excuse.' Criston agreed as he stood up. ''My oath has been broken. I have dishonored myself. I deserve no consideration. But if... as a clement Queen, you are inclined to pity... I would ask only this... that rather than gelding me and having me tortured... you would sentence me mercifully to death.'' Criston offered. Avalon rose and placed a hand on his shoulder.

''Thank you for your honesty, Ser Criston. You may go.'' Avalon informed him and he stared back at her but she seemed content as she walked over to Aegon. "That's so pretty my love." Avalon coed and Criston stared at her. "That is all Ser Criston. Thank you for your candor." Avalon told him again and he nodded heading out. "What is that Aegon?"

"A caterpillar for Aly." Aegon told her.

"Oh that's so very kind of you my love." Avalon told him.


''Rest now, Your Grace. I will bring the leeches.'' Mello said as Viserys lay back exhausted and weak.

''If I may, Grand Maester, I took the liberty of preparing a fresh set of herbal poultices that might be more... effective.'' Maester Orwyle offered.

''That will not be necessary, Orwyle.'' Mellos assured ''The leechings have always brought His Grace relief." He assured as he headed out.

''To help him sleep.'' Orwyle offered the bottle popping the top to Lyonel.

''Where's the Queen?'' Viserys asked as the door swung open.

"What happened?" Avalon demanded. "Why didn't anyone get me immediately!" she declared running to him.

"Hello my love." Viserys said as she kissed his clammy forehead.

"Vis, what happened?" Avalon coed kneeling before him.

"the seas didn't do me well." Viserys told her.

"Lies." Avalon told him her fingers trailing along his wounds. "Did I hear Mellos say leechings again?"

"Yes love, they help." Viserys agreed.

"It's been years, I remember coming in here before all hell broke lose and you told me it was nothing but you are still doing them." Avalon demanded. "You were sick then and you are very sick now and tell me what the hell is going on now!"

"Avalon love-''

"Don't." Avalon warned. "Don't sugar coat it just give it to me straight, are you dying?"

"Are we all not dying?" Viserys countered.

"VISERYS!" Avalon hissed.

"Its that throne, I keep getting cut, it doesn't heal good." Avalon looked over the little sores on his arms. "The leechings help."

"Viserys I cant lose you." Avalon told him as she leaned gently into him.

"You wont love, I promise." Viserys told her but he felt like death.

"Leechings... they are working but not enough clearly." Avalon told him.

"Maester Orwyle," Lyonel spoke up. "Had some other thoughts." He offered.

"I will talk to him and we can adjust your protocol then," Avalon suggested. "Give you some relief." She stood up but Viserys grabbed her hand. "I will be right back, Vis. Right back." She promised kissing him gently. He smiled softly as he watched her go.

''Will I be remembered as a good king, Lyonel?'' Viserys said with a sigh.

''Your Grace?''

''What will they say of me when the histories are written? I have neither fought nor conquered, nor suffered any great defeat.'' Viserys remarked.

''Some might call that good fortune.''

''It hardly makes a good song, does it? To be sung at feasts in a hundred years... five hundred.'' Viserys said pathetically.

''You have carried King Jaehaerys's legacy. And kept the realm strong.'' Lyonel corrected but his answer didn't satisfy Viserys. ''Is it not better to live in peace than to have songs sung after you are dead?''

'Perhaps. But there is a part of me wishes I'd been tested. I often think that in the crucible, I may have been forged a different man.''

'' Many that are tested, only wish to have been spared it. ''

''Another lord might assure me that I would rise like Aegon the Conqueror given the chance.'' Viserys remarked bitterly.

''Your Grace, that is... You're right. You're right... as always." Lyonel told him.

''It is perhaps best not to know.'' Viserys countered drinking the potion. 

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