26. Spontaneous Dragoning

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''Daemon. ''Avalon hugged him happily. ''I missed you.''

''You look beautiful Avalon. Or should I say your grace?'' He mused kissing her forehead.

''Im glad you are back.'' avalon told him as he led her away towards the red leafed tree. ''I wish you would have come to the wedding.'' Avalon added

''I couldnt,'' daemon told her holding her face in his hands

''Why not?'' Avalon countered

''Because I always thought it would be us.' Daemon told her and avalon stared at him confused


''You and me avalon,'' daemon told her his lips coming down to hers. A long slow kiss avalon should have pushed him away but she was confused and he took her by surprise. ''You and me.'' Daemon repeated his lips brushing against her. She locked eyes with him as his thumbs stroked her cheeks before looking down to her feet not having the words.

''Daemon im married.'' avalon reminded him as his thumb traced her bottom lip. ''So are you,'' she croaked out.

''I dont love her and I dont think you love viserys.'' Daemon told her as his lips teased against hers

''I do though.''. Avalon told him. Her lips in a small pout her eyes wide with wonder daemon thought she never looked so beautiful.

''I could make you happy.'' Daemon offered. ''Right here against the tree if you like?'' Daemon suggested kissing her head her cheek her neck the necklace he had given her years before still adorned on her neck as his hands wandered around her back keeping her to him

''Daemon im the queen.'' Avalon reminded him. ''Please stop.''

''I dont think you want me to.'' Daemon told her nibbled at her ear and she let out a long sigh.

''I have missed you Daemon but... cant things go back to like they were before?'' Avalon requested and daemon let his hands fall away from her. ''I love you so much daemon but... cant we just be... as we are.''

''As you wish.'' Daemon agreed and Avalon held onto him. ''I missed you too trouble... but I have to go if you are not coming with me..."


'Viserys listen to this.' Avalon remarked draping her legs over his as she held her book up

'The earliest known documentation of spontaneous dragoning in recorded history can be found in the formally lost ratings of Timaeus of tauromenium. These manuscripts were discovered originally during the evacuation of the vast underground libraries located in the heart of the palace of Nestor but remained unread and understood until recently.

'This is shed light on the Storico person Queen DIDO of Carthage for priestess swindler store swindler of kings and trickster of the high seas. Specifically that Dido either because of grief or rage or revenge or simply as an act of self sacrifice to save the city she had founded and built and loved, ascended her own funeral pyre and threw her self upon it has been sore breathing her last breath is the flames engulfed her.' Avalon read. (When women were dragons)

''Sounds Targaryen,'' viserys told her.

'They think she might have transformed into a dragon!' Avalon told him as he traced a hand up and down her thigh.

'Spontaneous dragooning.' viserys repeated

'They don't know if it did work and she turned into a dragon if it is reversible.' avalon remarked

'And I thought you didnt like history.' viserys reminded her

'This is dragons, it is different.' Avalon assured.

Marrying avalon was the best decision of his life. Not only did she fit perfectly into his life her role as queen but her presence he assumed kept daemon from trying to burn them to the ground. Daemon loved one person in the world. Avalon and now Avalon was viserys.


"Avalon." Viserys watched her get ready for the day, her riding clothes. He had hoped that with the news of her pregnancy she would stop. She wasn't.

"I'm going riding, Mouse is lonely." Avalon told him innocently and Viserys jumped up running to block her path. "Viserys." Avalon warned.

"You are pregnant." Viserys reminded her.

"I'm four moons." Avalon told him as his hand went to the smallest of bumps on her stomach. "We had a deal. I told you my two requirements. You agreed." Avalon reminded him.

"I did.'" He agreed. "I do." He corrected and Avalon stared him down. For the size of her she was vicious.

"Don't worry, Mouse will keep me safe." Avalon assured kissing his cheek as she walked past. There was no use arguing with her, she would get her way as she always did.

"RHAENYRA!" Avalon declared. Rhaenyra was still getting used to the idea that her aunt was her mother and soon enough she would have a baby brother or sister to compete with. But Avalon still made sure that Rhaenyra was looked after.

"Auntie... mother... your grace." Rhaenyra answered awkwardly. She still didn't know what to call her.

"Avalon is fine." Avalon assured leading her to the dragon cage. "Want to go for a ride?"

"Always." Rhaenyra agreed. Her father was still distant with her but the more Rhaenyra thought about it the more she realized her father and her were never all that close.

Otto had sent Alicent away sent her back home claiming tension between her and Rhaenyra and needing space. Rhaenyra felt very alone and she was still adjusting to Avalons new position. She missed her best friend. She didn't understand why she had to leave. Sure they hadnt seen much of each other but that partially Rhaenyras fault but now she was gone. No ravens no Correspondence at all. Otto seemed more tense than usual. But he offered pinched smiled as he passed.

"You know I was thinking about Daemon this morning." Avalon admitted.

"You were?"

"I was." Avalon agreed. "I worry about him. He is reckless," Avalon reminded her.

"So are you." Rhaenyra reminded her.

"Yes but my charms outweigh my shenanigans." Avalon told her smugly as they mounted their dragons.

"Plus you are the queen."

"That too.'' Avalon agreed. "You know how much I love you right? Nothing changes."

"When the baby is born you mean." Rhaenyra whispered, Avalon nodded her hand going to her stomach. "I'm glad he chose you." Rhaenyra admitted.

"You are?"

"I wasn't at first." Rhaenyra admitted as their dragons walked out of the tunnel into the cloudy morning light.

"That was clear." Avalon agreed softly.

"But... you are already family, and you haven't pushed me away, haven't tried to replace me." Yet. Rhaenyra thought. Yet...

"I would never. You are my favorite niece and now daughter."

'Only." Rhaenyra corrected seeing as though Daemon didn't have any children either.

"Therefore the favorite!'' Avalon declared as they took flight.

"I'm really glad you are here aunt Avalon." Rhaenyra called over to her.

"You ever been to Sun Spear?" Avalon called over to her.

"No..." Rhaenyra answered with a smirk on her face.

"I don't think your father will mind." Avalon said with a shrug.

"I think he will hate it." Rhaenyra corrected.

"So you don't want to go?" Avalon countered.

"Oh we are going!" Rhaenyra shouted happily.

"I always get lost in the clouds." Avalon admitted. "Mouse knows best luckily. To Dorne we go."

The Heir //  King Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now