88. The Story of Us

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"But you are so perfect mama, I'm never going to be as good as you." ALyssa whimpered clinging to Avalon.

''Perfection is deception. An illusion. It's a carefully curated but false narrative." Avalon assured as Alyssa was filled with worry, she was late, she was going to become a mother. "I'm not perfect honey, I love you so much, and I know what kind of woman you are, I know that you are going to be the best mum ever. Perfect isnt possible but you my dear will come the closest, I know it."

"I dont want to be grown up anymore, its stressful I dont think I'm ready for the responsibility." Alyssa remarked.

"You and Newt have nine moons to prepare yourself." Avalon corrected. "And you always have me." Alyssa nodded nervously.

"It's all going to be okay right, mama?"

"It's kinda overwhelming but... Hey! Lemons make lemonade. Flowers bloom in the rain," Avalon remarked. "Growing up is a pain," Avalon assured. "And it is what it is. It's not the end of the world, this is just the beginning my love. Things may look all upside down instead right side up I was terrified when I was pregnant but I got the most precious gifts of all. You and your siblings." Avalon remarked.  Alyssas smile brightened.

"There's always light where it burns. Just remember that no matter what I love you. You can mess up and mess up again and I'm still going to be here for you." Avalon assured. A butterfly came up landing in Alyssa's hair. Alyssa smiled up at it.

"It's kind of weird, kind of fun to think that we are all just specks on a rock." Alyssa remarked. "I'm going to have a baby... im going to add a life to this world."

"You are going to have a baby." Avalon agreed hugging her. "My baby is having a baby." Alyssa bit her lip nervously. She was always the odd one, much like Avalon was, people didnt understand Alyssa's need for learning about the little lives, the plants and creatures that inhabit the earth. Her wandering mind. Avalon understood and she loved that her Alyssa was so beautifully unique.

"You can laugh, you can dance, you can trip, you can slip, you can fall down again, again, again and again." Avalon remarked. "And it all still works out in the end."

"I want a little girl." Alyssa admitted. "I want a girl like me. Like us."

"Magical?" Avalon offered kissing Alyssas forehead.



Avalon saw Criston and Alicent together often. She loved that Alicent got a second chance. It seemed like the cabinet was filled of second chances. For Avalon herself for Harwin and the boys, for Daemon. He wasn't the rebel child anymore always making his older brother disappointed. He was king consort. He was a loving father a great leader and Avalon couldn't be more proud of him.

Alicent she had started off in the capital most of her life to care of Avalons own grandfather. Then her father used her for his own game and he lost that game and eventually his life. But now she's back in the capital and she got a second chance. after otto set her up with Greyjoy Avalon was in a fit of rage. Seeing what they did to alicent, Avalon thought Alicent might never smile again. But seeing her with criston, that was True love in the making she knew it from the moment they reconnected again. And she saw they were relationship growing day after day moon after moon.

"Your grace." Criston remarked.

"Hello Criston," avalon declared fondly.

"I have a request..."

"You want to leave queens guard?" Avalon questioned.

"How did you..." criston stopped himself. Avalon was magical. Of course she knew. "I still want to be a guard. Your guard. Serving you has been the honor of my life. I couldnt be more grateful." He assured.

"But..." avalon prompted.

"I like Alicent." Criston remarked and avalon squealed.

"I know you do!" Avalon agreed. "And you want to marry her?"

"I... I do." Criston admitted. "She wants a family one day and I never thought about children of my own before her and now... your children are so... wonderful and I think it might be nice to..." Criston shrugged.

"Yes I agree. You and alicent would make the cutest babies!" Avalon declared.

" I haven't proposed yet." He reminded her.

"But when you do she will say yes because she's been smitten with you for years and I can't believe it's taking you this long to man up." Avalon declared.

"Thank you for your grace tell me how you really feel." he mused.

"We will have a family supper. Yes a Family supper."avalon decided. "You are family and if the moment feels right," avalon shrugged. "You pop the question surrounded by people you love most in the world.

"You really have thought of everything haven't you?" Criston questioned

"I've been waiting for you to to get hitched since we jumped off the cliff side together." Avalon agreed.

"you've been waiting a very long time then." Criston realized.

"I knew you two were meant to be you both just needed the time to figure that out." Avalon agreed.

"How did you know when it was the right time? The right person?" Criston questioned.

"It was the right person both times. I don't know if any time is ever deemed the right time you have to make it the right time." Avalon remarked. "When viserys said he was to marry me it was in front of the entire council and it was a bit nerve-racking." she admitted. "But I loved him I still do and I knew that everything would be OK. Then when he passed I didn't think there was going to be a right time I knew the right person I knew it would be Daemon. He made it the right time he made me feel less alone but he gave me time to grieve him and mourn him while also reminded me that I wasn't alone." Avalon remarked. Criston saw the love in her eyes as she spoke of Viserys and Daemon.

" they were both lucky man to have you in their heart." Criston remarked.

"Yes I am." Daemon agreed coming up behind them and wrapping his arms around Avalon she smiled leaning into his touch. "Better not be talking about Cregan though-"

"Viserys." Avalon's word was like a whisper but he heard. He echoed their oldest brothers name. "I hope we made him proud."

"I know you made him proud" Daemon declared "me on the other hand I'm fucking his wife." Avalon giggled her face going red. " no he would be proud of us happy for us. He gave me his blessing after all. So I'm gonna love you until my last breath the only woman that has ever truly held my heart."

Even though Viserys was gone and Avalon was happy, in love with Daemon and wouldnt change a thing about how things turned out. Avalon knew Viserys would always hold half of her heart.

Want more Avalon?The Story of Us / Rhaenyra / Daemon / Avalon out now!

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