71. Home

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After laenas funeral they were getting ready to leave when Daemon found avalon. His hands shoved in his front pockets as he came up to her.

''You werent going to leave without saying goodbye were you love?'' Daemon questioned

''Of course not. Just getting Viserys situated.'' Avalon told him as she hugged him his arms enveloped around her filling her with warmth. "I wish you had accepted."

''Bye gorgeous.''

''Bye Dae.'' Avalon whispered and then his lips were on hers. She didnt push him away he brough a hand to her cheek the other wrapped around her waist she let their lips mingle for a moment before she pulled back looking to her feet. Daemon chuckled kissing for forehead.

''Don't be a stranger Daemon.' Avalon told him hugging him again. ''Come home.'' Avalon requested.

''I dont where home is anymore gorgeous.'' Daemon told her his fingers twirling her hair.

''Home is with me.' Avalon told him confidently.

''That is it love.'' Daemon agreed.

''I love you Daemon''. Avalon said as she stepped out of his grasp.

''I love you Avalon.'' Daemon replied. He watched her go.

''Alyssa... you all set love? ''

''Yeah mama.'' Alyssa agreed. ''Look I found it under the bed.'' She held up a rollie pollie bug.

''I wish you would spend as much time with your dragon as you do with your insects.'' Avalon remarked. "I think your dragon is lonely my little love."

''These are so little mama.'' Alyssa told her.

''I know. You my dear are going to be the smartest woman in westros.'' Avalon told her kissing her head. ''At least where insects are concerned.''

''Could I study insects?'' Alyssa questioned

''If you want. We could go to the citadel I'm sure they have every insect known and unknown. We could learn together.'' Avalon offered ''wouldnt that be fun?'' Alyssa nodded eagerly. ''Alright we will make a plan when we get home.'' Avalon told her as she moved to check on the boys.

''Aegon where is Aemond?'' Avalon questioned fixing his hair.

''Mother,'' aegon groaned swatting her hand away.

''I'm going to baby you forever. Get over it.'' Avalon told him as he got settled, he liked the attention he liked when avalon babied him. He would never admit it out loud though. ''Where is Aemond?''

''Watching Vhahar is my guess.'' Aegon remarked. ''Scared he wont follow us back. The big baby was blubbering-''

''Aegon.'' Avalon scolded. ''You be nice to your brother. Your siblings are going to be around longer than your father and I you need to stick together.'' Aegon rolled his eyes. ''I saw that. Lose the attitude.'' Avalon requested kissing his head. Before she headed out. Aemond was staring at the sky watching vhagar as she flew above them.

''You are going to get a crook in your neck.'' Avalon remarked kneading her hands into Aemonds shoulders. He leaned back into her and she wrapped her arms around him. With her chin on his shoulder she tipped her head into his.

''How is my baby boy?' She whispered kissing his cheek.

'I'm alright mama.'' Aemond assured.

"You could have lost an eye." Avalon whispered.

"But I didn't. because you were there." Aemond reminded her. "With your magic."

"I'm not magic. I'm a mother." Avalon corrected.

"Father lost an arm.'' Aemond reminded her. 

''He did.'' Avalon agreed. ''I'm very glad you didnt lose anything, you only gained something, beautiful, remarkable, all yours.... I hate that they tried to hurt you.'' Avalon whispered.

''I did provoke them.'' Aemond admitted ''but they torment me all the time with Aegon.'' Aemond told her. ''I just wanted to fight back. Show I wasnt weak.''

''You are not weak you are strong and brave and kind.'' Avalon assured turning so she could see his face better in the moonlight. She ran her thumb down his cheek gently.

''They didnt have a good father in their life. Laenor was... gone a lot. I can't speak for Baela and Rhaena but you won't have to see them ever again." Avalon assured.

''Laenor isnt their father.'' Aemond told her and avalon offered a pinched smile.

''I know what people say but laenor is their father. A father doesnt have to be blood. It is who loves you more than anyone. Im not Rhaenyras mother by blood but I love her like a daughter and her children.'' Avalon offered. Aemond nodded understanding. ''I love you and your siblings the most though.'' Avalon assured. ''So if you need me to spank them next time we see them I will''. Avalon told him and aemond laughed hugging her. ''Get some rest my love. Vhagar knows the way.''

''You all comfy Vis?'' Avalon questioned running a hand through his hair. He let out a deep sigh as she kissed his head.

''I'm happy to be going home.'' Viserys told her holding onto her hand.

''Me too.'' Avalon agreed laying down next to him. His arm wrapped around her fingers massaging her scalp as she snuggled into him. ''I love you Viserys.'' Avalon whispered closing her eyes.

''I love you Avalon.'' he echoed and she felt his breathing heavy as he fell asleep in her arms.

The Heir //  King Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now